James H. Cobb Message Board

posts on 8/20/2006 8:53:53 PM I just finished reading "Choosers of the Slain". Its the first novel by you that I read and I loved it! One thing that may have changed since I flew P3's is the meaning of MAD Gear. It used to mean Magnetic Anomoly Detector you refer to it as Magnetic Abnormality Detector. Is it a misprint or has the meaning really changed. The words sound very similar and their meanings are very similar. I'm looking foward to reading more of your novels. You have acquired a new fan. Please keep them coming. Frank
posts on 6/1/2006 2:29:56 PM Hay John can you post a link to that interview? I like to read anything by Weber, Cibb or Moon.
posts on 5/23/2006 5:11:34 PM There is an interview with James Cobb on the internet. He has a 5th Amanda Garrett novel but only in Japan and Germany. English language release is "under negotiation".

posts on 5/19/2006 5:16:14 PM I want to know what everyone wants to know is there going to be another amanda garret novel
John posts on 7/30/2005 9:17:44 PM I am also anxiously awaiting her next adventure. When might it be published?
Mary Young posts on 6/21/2005 5:50:16 PM Do you have a title for your next "Amanda book"? And a publishing date?
Scott Albrecht posts on 5/31/2005 2:17:30 PM I have waited for so long for the next amanda book...I have a crush on Rendino...she sounds really cute and I hope she would look just as good in those whites! When can we expect it?
Rob posts on 3/4/2005 9:18:49 PM Could you give me any information on upcoming books by James H. Cobb? I heard something about the title: Sea Scourge Thank you.
John posts on 3/2/2005 12:51:04 PM Will there be more books written in this series? I was really getting into them and they just quit.
Peter H Palmer posts on 2/25/2005 2:02:24 PM Read all the Amanda Garrett books..unfortunately Sea Fighter was out of chronological order...BUT...Mr Cobb...if you are going to use an RN Minechasher/hunter as a 'sinker/drag anchor' then please let her go down with her ensign flying at the right end of the ship!!! Jove Fiction/Putnams November 200 edition, page 292..."white ensign still flickering at her jackstaff." !!!! Ensigns are flown at the aft..back..of a ship; Jackstaffs are at the bow..front..of a ship!!! ? PUUUlease!

Note: the views expressed here are only those of the posters.
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