David James Duncan Message Board

Cara posts on 5/23/2005 5:31:23 PM It's true that getting the entire essay from gradesaver isn't the best idea in the world but where are any secondary sources on these books, not only has my local bookstore been no help but the internet is coming up with nothing to help me support my thesis. Without support from a secondary source other then the novel we get a big fat 0. And considering the essay is worth 15% of my final grade I can't afford to lose that many marks. If anyone knows where I can get some support that isn't gradesavers or sparksnotes etc. that would be really helpful
Amazed posts on 3/7/2005 7:29:08 PM Intrepret it yourselves! Sparknotes and gradesavers? If you are in college don't you think that is a little immature and lazy? Do the readings and stop complaining and taking the easy road out; when is it time to grow up?

Note: the views expressed here are only those of the posters.
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