John Kennedy Toole Message Board

posts on 9/28/2006 9:11:05 PM It pains me so much to know that a man that could write such a wonderful book committed suicide. Imagine what else he could have produced??
Rylie posts on 3/13/2006 12:33:32 AM So, I am counfused. Is John F. Kennedy in this book, or wrote it, or something like that?
Heather posts on 9/18/2005 1:22:47 PM Horrible book. I didn't enjoy it at all!!!

myrna posts on 2/16/2005 11:17:19 PM Crazy, hysterically funny, fantabulous characters. my favourite being JONES! you won't be disappointed. GUARANTEED!
Bill posts on 1/10/2005 4:02:23 PM The funniest book ever written. (period)

Note: the views expressed here are only those of the posters.
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