Susan Johnson Message Board

charlotte posts on 11/20/2007 10:55:58 AM A coworker recommended Susan Johnson to me, so I tried several of her books. I say tried because I finally gave up in disgust. I love books with a lot of action, romance and, yes even sex! I find Johnson's characters unpleasant and shallow. I like a relationship to develop BEFORE the characters wind up in the sack, not after. If I ever met one of the men she writes about I would run the other way, who needs a walking gonad with a potential STD?
posts on 9/17/2006 10:09:29 PM Ethics Why do political power rule our cultures Why do missiles destroy innocent like vultures Why are countries not left alone Why do foreign troops go on sojourn Why do parallel Governments allowed in the West Why doesnt the West choose its own best What is this crave for power and greed Indeed in ethics of war a misdeed I read in Virginia Henley,s novels Everything is transient and the Tudor howls Change of power so many killings No mercy for the common mans feelings In 1588..there was the Armada In 1990 Desert storms Arabia Was this all a farce for political gain That another Henley will reveal in a historical chain Balgees Maine Copyright ©2006 Balgees Maine
hanson posts on 5/1/2005 2:26:37 AM this book just really turned me on so dats y i read it.

Lou Beare posts on 2/23/2005 11:09:43 PM I do miss her and her original format. She has not put out a book in months, maybe a year. What she's written in the past several years has not be up to her original standards. I know she was ill or hurting & would like to know what is happening.
Heth posts on 2/2/2005 11:31:20 AM I love Silver Flame, it follows the story of Trey Braddock Black and is the best book i''ve ever read!! awesome. any susan johnson info welcome!

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