Michael Ende Message Board

ukee posts on 12/18/2006 9:36:03 PM hello i'am 18th.i get MOMO from my sister as a birthday present.i think thats the great book i read.
Hery Alexandre posts on 10/28/2005 3:25:00 PM Hello, I'm 30 years old living in France and I read the "Neverending Story" few days ago. That's a wonderful story and it was for me a great pleasure to read this book even if I'm not a young boy anymore. But there is a small mistake, because in chapter 12 "Le vieillard de la montagne errante" it is written about the tower: "Elle se composait d'un grand nombre de dents de forme bizarre, comme autant de STALACTITES de glace gigantesques et renversés, dressés vers le ciel." In other words there are STALAGMITES... So all the sentence is a bit strange and maybe it needs a small correction. Yours sincerely.

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