Author Rebecca Ryman booklist (click here)

Book Review By Vinland Dreamer
Olivia and Jai by Rebecca Ryman

In 1848, Olivia, a young American woman, goes to Calcutta to visit relatives. Her aunt tries to break her of her "tomboyish" ways and plans to match her up with a man from high-class society. In the meantime, Olivia is more interested in her uncle's business and she would prefer to return home to America's wild west where she can be herself. Soon, however, she meets Jai – a half-caste bastard. Olivia's aunt faints upon hearing his name, and Olivia is forbidden to see Jai. Of course, Olivia sees him anyway. At times Jai is tender and loving toward Olivia. At other times he is downright offensive. In spite of his often cruel behavior, Olivia falls in love with him. Ignoring all the warnings from friends and relatives, she pursues a most volatile relationship.

Plot & Themes
Time/era of story
Forbidden/mismatched love? Yes
How mismatched?
Hidden Identity/Secret Motive Yes
Is really... - out for emotional revenge

Main Male Character
If he's not white he must be... - indian
Unusual characteristics?

Main Female Character
Age/status: - 20's-30's
Unusual characteristics:

Asia/Pacific Yes
Asian country: - India

Writing Style
Accounts of torture and death? - no torture/death
What % of story is romance related? - 60%
How explicit is the sex? - vague references only
Focus of story - equally on him and her
How much dialog - significantly more descript than dialog
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