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Title (click on a book/movie below) Author/Actors (click on a book/movie below) Gordonator Ranking
Snow Orhan Pamuk 20000
A Thousand Splendid Suns Khaled Hosseini 20000
The Swallows of Kabul Yasmina Khadra 20000
King of the Wind, The Story of the Godolphin Arabian Marguerite Henry 20000
The Breadwinner Deborah Ellis 20000
The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini 20000
The Pirate Harold Robbins 20000
Hadassah: One Night with the King Tommy Tenney and Mark Andrew Olsen 20000
Midaq Alley Naguib Mahfouz 20000
Staircase of a Thousand Steps Masha Hamilton 20000
The Tale of Sinuhe and Other Ancient Egyptian Poems R.B. Parkinson 20000
Sugar Street Naguib Mahfouz 20000
Palace Walk Naguib Mahfouz 20000
The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights Richard Burton 20000
The Wandering Falcon Jamil Ahmad 20000
The Kadin Bertrice Small 20000
Parade of Shadows Gloria Whelan 10000
The Thief and the Dogs Naguib Mahfouz 10000

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