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Title (click on a book/movie below) Author/Actors (click on a book/movie below) Gordonator Ranking
Pepe and Poppy Joe Novella 2000
The Endearment LaVyrle Spencer 2000
Savage Thunder Johanna Lindsey 2000
Arms and the Man George Bernard Shaw 1800
Cape Light Thomas Kinkade and Katherine Spencer 1000
Lifted Up By Angels Lurlene McDaniel 1000
Silk Alessandro Baricco 1000
Valley of the Horses Jean M. Auel 1000
The Shelters of Stone Jean M. Auel 1000
Children in the Morning Jennifer Macaire 1000
Truest Love: The Universe Jerold Frederick Sowles 1000
A.D. 62: Pompeii Rebecca East 800

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