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Title (click on a book/movie below) Author/Actors (click on a book/movie below) Gordonator Ranking
Silver Eyes Nicole M. Luiken 2000
Time Is the Simplest Thing Clifford D. Simak 2000
The Assassin's Dream J.D. Townsend 2000
The Child Buyer John Hersey 2000
The Warlock In Spite Of Himself Christopher Stasheff 2000
Rituals Ed Gorman 2000
The Keeping Place Isobelle Carmody 2000
To Ride Pegasus Anne McCaffrey 2000
Legacies L.E. Modesitt Jr. 2000
Winter's Orphans Elaine Cordivae 2000
Deprivers Steven-Elliot Altman 2000
Trickster Steven Harper 2000
Confidence Game Michelle M. Welch 2000
No More Lies Susan Squires 2000
The Light Age Ian R. MacLeod 2000
The Chrysalids John Wyndham 2000
Obernewtyn - Obernewtyn Chronicles 1 Isobelle Carmody 2000
Exiles' Return - The Ghatti's Tale 3 Gayle Greeno 1400
Nameless Magery Delia Marshall Turner 1333.3
The Myth of Magic Adam Cole 1000
The Sea Lark's Song Diana Marcellas 1000
Martian Time-Slip Philip K. Dick 1000
Change Ann Maxwell 1000
Ashling - Obernewtyn Chronicles 3 Isobelle Carmody 800

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