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Title (click on a book/movie below) Author/Actors (click on a book/movie below) Gordonator Ranking
Rogue Berserker Fred Saberhagen 2000
Berserker Prime Fred Saberhagen 2000
Doctor Who: Illegal Alien Mike Tucker and Robert Perry 2000
Doctor Who: Plague of the Cybermen Justin Richards 2000
Isaac Asimov's Caliban Roger MacBride Allen 2000
Doctor Who: The Dalek Generation Nicholas Briggs 2000
Berserker Fred Saberhagen 2000
Redemption Ark Alastair Reynolds 2000
T2: Rising Storm S.M. Stirling 2000
Enemy Paul Hughes 2000
T2: Infiltrator S.M. Stirling 1200
Matter Iain M. Banks 1000
Solar Lottery Philip K. Dick 1000
The Map Of Time Brian J. Palma 1000
Berserker's Star Fred Saberhagen 800
Excession Iain M. Banks 800
The Complete Robot Isaac Asimov 800
Mudd's Angels J.A. Lawrence 800
Battlestar Galactica: The Living Legend Glen A. Larson 800
Terminator 2 Randall Frakes 800
Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter Isaac Asimov 600
Doctor Who: The Resurrection Casket Justin Richards 600
Battlestar Galactica: The Cylon Death Machine Glen A. Larson 400
I, Robot Isaac Asimov 400
Count Zero William Gibson 266.7

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