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Sharon Short Message Board
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Author Short's Book Reviews

Death by Deep Dish Pie
Avon, July 2004, 6.50, 272 pp. ISBN 006053793 The small Ohio town of Paradise is home to Josie Toadfern, owner of Toadfern's Laundromat and an expert in removing stains. Paradise is a small town where the leading family, the Breitenstraters own the town's main business, the Breitenstrater Pie Factory. Josie is looking forward to the annual pie-eating contest but the day is marred when Alan Breitenstrates dies after eating a pie that was origina...
Death of a Domestic Diva
Josie, a laundromat owner and stain expert in small-town Paradise, Ohio, tries to get some much needed publicity for her town by inviting herself on the Tyra Grimes Home Show. (Paradise, with a flagging small-town economy, has just received a bitter blow: being dropped off the State of Ohio map.) Everyone laughs at Josie's scheme... until Tyra herself comes to Paradise. Tyra turns the town upside down--reporters descend upon the town when the famous s...