Message Board

David Guterson Message Board 1/1/2012
Talk about the novels, new and used books that Guterson has written!

Author Guterson's Book Reviews

East Of The Mountains
Ben is having a hard time dealing with his wife's death, and he plans to commit suicide. Dr. Ben Givens is one of the finest heart surgeons in Seattle. Still reeling from the death of his wife Rachel he is dying of colon cancer. Unwilling to put his daughter Renee and grandson Chris through nine months of anguish watching him die he decides to commit suicide. He plans a hunting trip and on the final leg of the journey he plans to shoot himself in the...
Our Lady of the Forest
16 year old nonreligious runaway Ann Holmes lives in a rural logging town in Washington state, living in poverty from her job as a mushroom picker. Small and sickly, she suffers constantly from asthma made worse by the cold, wet conditions she lives in. One day while foraging for mushrooms, she sees a ghost of the Virgin Mary. The small Catholic town goes wild. Carolyn Greer, Ann's friend and fellow mushroom picker, is not a believer but becomes ...
Snow Falling on Cedars
A combination of murder mystery, love story, dissection of racism, and paean to the Pacific Northwest, _Snow Falling on Cedars_ tells the story of the people of San Piedro Island, north of Puget Sound, during and after the Second World War. In 1954, a Japanese American is charged with the murder of a local white fisherman, and Ishmael Chambers -- a one-armed veteran and the local newspaper reporter -- senses the truth may not surface in the racially char...