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Elizabeth Lord Message Board
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Author Lord's Book Reviews

From Bow to Bond Street
Geraldine Glover, a young woman from the impoverished East End of London at the end of the Great War, is very close to Alan Presley, who is about to divorce his wife. Then she is swept off her feet by Tony Hanford, craftsman and proprietor of a small jeweller's shop, and they are married. She enjoys being able to buy herself smart dresses and help her family out with a little money every now and then, much as the latter resent her charity. But the shop i...
The Turning Tides
Amy Harrington, a well-brought-up young girl of eighteen in the more affluent area of London, finds she is expecting the child of her boyfriend, Dicky Pritchard. They decide to get married, until she says she wants the wedding to take place as soon as possible. Only then does he reject her as he says he cannot face the shame. Returning home. she is thrown out of her house by her angry father. Their cockney maid Alice Jordan is promptly sacked for standin...