Message Board

Lauren Oliver Message Board 1/1/2012
Talk about the novels, new and used books that Oliver has written!

Author Oliver's Book Reviews

Before I Fall
Samantha Kingston and her friends are at the top of their high school's food chain. They love nothing more than to drink and party and pick on the less fortunate students- like Juliet Sykes. But then comes the night that Sam dies- and wakes up back in the same morning. From there Sam relives the day she dies seven times, in a week long "Groundhog Day" loop. Each day is different, and each one lets Sam learns more about herself, her friends, and the peopl...
Lena must decide whether she will succumb to be lobotomized of the deadly disease called, Love. Lena is reaching 18 years old, the age where she will become eligible for the "life-saving" surgery that will remove the part of the brain that is at risk for the disease of "Love". She is excited and nervous at the upcoming surgery and wishes to do everything right and become an official, integrated member of Portland. Lena's Mother succumbed to the disease c...
Lena joins a growing resistance movement against Deliria-Free America, an organization that advocates that all citizens should have a surgical procedure to remove the risk of getting the disease called Deliria, the disease of Love. Lena has escaped from the gated community of Portland surgery-free but at the expense of her first love, Alex, who was killed by Regulators during their escape. As she wanders through the forests of the Wilds, she encounters a...
Heather and Dodge each decide to play Panic, a dangerous and deadly game to win a large sum of money. Growing up in Carp, New York, nothing really happens of interest, except for the game Panic. Each summer, graduating seniors play life threatening, thrilling games, set up by anonymous judges, for a large sum of money. This year's pot was the highest ever, $67,000. After breaking up with her boyfriend, Matt, and feeling like a nobody, Heather choos...

Oliver booklist

The uncureds living in the wilds are amassing in numbers and strength and plan to overthrow the gated communities of cureds to free the people from the discrimination and oppression against love. Lena is a member of a resistance group living in the wilds outside of the protected, gated communities she used to live in. In this dystopian story, Love is considered a disease that causes instability, irrationality and chaos. When young people reach a certain ...