Jeannette Walls Message Board

posts on 9/11/2006 2:22:42 PM Dear Jeanette, I just finished your book and found it very hard to put down. I could relate to few the stories in your book. I myself grew up a with an alcoholic mother and know of the embarrassments that came with my childhood. I marvel at how well you told your story and the deep love you had for your parents even though they neglected their parental responsiblities. Being able to forgive and continue to love are such great traits and I admire you for them. This book was actually required reading for my son when he enrolled at Michigan State University. I know he liked the book but we never really discussed it. I was cleaning his room and found it and started reading it. I asked myself while I was reading your book, "WHy would the university want the freshman class to read this?" and also was there a purpose for you to write your story. I think the university wanted there incoming students to understand they people come from all walks of life and one can have pity on themselves or you can work hard and lift yourself out of almost any situation. I found your story to be uplifting espesically after all the setbacks you and your family endured. I thought that you wrote the book to help you to understand why you would ignore your mother when you saw her picking through a dumbster and to help understand the guilt you were feeling. I can imagine that it would be hard to talk about your family past with friends and acquaintances and by writng this book, you could share your story in a way that people wouldn't feel sorry for you. I am in awe at the power and recilence that you and your sibings have. I also hope that Maureen can find herself and live a happy life. Thank you for writing the book. I will share it with friends.
posts on 9/4/2006 8:37:50 AM Dear Mrs Walls, I have just finished reading the German translation of "Glass House" and I am deeply impressed and overwhelmed - deeply impressed how you and your brothers and sisters made the best of your lives - even more. Despite your difficult childhood and your parents' failure to satisfy their children's basic needs you were able to look back without bitterness and contempt, which overwhelmed me. Your story depicts so stirringly that forgiving is better than quarrelling with one's past. Thank you for this wonderful book. Christine
posts on 8/30/2006 10:23:34 PM I just finished your amazing book. I have promised to pass it on to several friends as a must read! I competely "get" your Dad, I just kept looking at the picture of your Mom and trying to imagine how a woman who was raised conventionally could possibly turn out the way she did. To deny her kids food, shelter and safety when she could have pawned the diamond ring, or sold the property she owned. I wondered if she was crazy. The only time I didn't like her at all was when she gave you the backhanded compliment about not being the pretty or smart one but the one who was hard working. Thanks for a wonderful read. DTM

posts on 8/26/2006 4:45:57 PM Dear Ms. Jeannette Walls, Thank you for writing a book that touches all of my emotions. I admire your courage, and found myself cheering for your triumphs. I have a story that I would like to share with you. We are on the same tree different branches. I know your time is valuable and whenever it is convenient I would love to hear from you. I write fiction with a little bit of myself in each book. I have a website now but I'm going to build a more professional one in the near future, adding a few more of my novels. Thank you for reading my letter. Best, Eadie
posts on 8/20/2006 7:24:42 PM I am trying to find the book written by the bar owner where pilots, especially Chuck Yeager, frequented and she talks about them in her book. Can you help me find this book? Thanks, PS
posts on 8/18/2006 6:47:20 PM Hallo Jeanette,ich habe dein Buch gelesenund bin faziniert.Muss schon seit Tagen an euch alle denken.Ich frage mich ob es euch allen gut geht! Wie euer Leben jetzt ist.Ich hoffe von Herzen das es euch gut geht! Was macht deine kleine Schwester und deine anderen Geschwister! Würde euch gerne mal kennenlernen!!Bis bald vieleicht!Ich wünsche euch alles,alles Gute.
posts on 8/16/2006 11:43:01 AM What a fascinating childhood! I particularly enjoyed the way in which you told your story through your eyes "at the time". By that I mean, when you were younger, you bought into the optimism of your mother. She could certainly find the silver lining in everything - or perhaps she knew the truth but was protecting you? As you grew older you began to understand that things were just not right. Was your mother perhaps manic depressive? It seems she vascilated from extreme highs (complete emersion into her art) to extreme lows. And the ending! What a kicker! All those years spent unnecessariy in poverty. You, Lori and Brian have risen above and proven the resilience of children. I hope Maureen can join all of you in a successful life.
posts on 8/15/2006 2:31:29 PM This was an absolutely fantastic book. It is now in my top 10 list and I have read thousands of books in my 45 years. I read this cover to cover in 24 hours time and I have five kids and a fulltime job (and yes, I stopped to cook dinner and put them to bed)! Please write another one. . . Seriously, though, if everyone were able to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" as you and your siblings did under the most adverse conditions and still maintain your self esteems, this world would be a far different place. Congratulations!
posts on 8/15/2006 6:48:16 AM Good Morning Ms. Walls, No matter how good your story and book are in my opinion you have made nothing of yourself. Hanging out with wealthy people because you deal in trash, inuendo and fabrication makes you no different from a drug dealer in my opinion. I am changing my homepage from MSNBC because of the trite you write and they circulate.
posts on 8/9/2006 1:55:57 PM Dear Jeannette Walls, I was very interested, in your book, Glass Castle, very well done, and I loved the way you pulled the whole book together at the end. I'm a writer myself, and would like to get in contact with you, when you have the time. Best of wishes, Eadie Allen
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