L.A. Confidential Message Board

posts a message on 6/13/2006 5:49:35 PM It's been too long since I've seen the movie for me to remember whether the couple Spacey arrested were the ones who had been having the fight inside the house -- the wife beater and his victim -- but if so, the credit for the wife is Precious Chong, daughter of Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong fame. I don't see Jolie listed in the credits on the IMDb.
posts a message on 6/11/2006 2:39:29 AM there is a scene near the begining of the film where kevin spacey's character arrests a guy and a girl sitting by a christmas tree smoking pot. i swear it looks like angelina jolie!! she doesn't have a speaking part, but it looks like her with blonde hair. does anyone know if it is her?

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