Lynne Olson and Stanley Cloud Message Board

Jacek posts on 3/27/2010 10:19:40 PM I just finished reading your book (Kosciuszko Squadron) and can hardly believe it was written by non-Poles. Being Polish myself I know our history quite well but I still find your account of WW2 shocking. On behalf of millions of my countrymen, big thank you for trying to refute silly stereotypes and understand our true Polish nature.
Michal Ilnicki posts on 6/25/2009 7:38:02 AM Dziêkujê bardzo za wspania³¹ ksi¹¿kê, która ma szansê przybli¿yæ innym narodom sprawê Polski, zrozumieæ naszego ducha i poczucie rozczarowania po "zwyciêskiej" dla nas wojnie. Niewielu ludzi w œwiecie zdaje sobie sprawê, ¿e tragiczne brzemie wojny wp³ywa na nasz kraj do dziœ. Kiedy w 1985 roku rozmawia³em z jednym z polskich ¿o³nierzy, który walczy³ w Polskich Si³ach Zbrojnych na Zachodzie, powiedzia³:"Mimo i¿ zostalismy zdradzeni mozemy byc dumni z tego co zrobilismy. Szkoda tylko, ¿e nikogo to nie obchodzi". Pozdrawiam serdecznie - Micha³ ILNICKI P.S. Myslê, ¿e g³os zapisany w jêzyku polskim powinien sie na tej stronie znaleŸæ :)
Daniela posts on 11/26/2008 2:10:39 PM Excuse me, is there an Italian translation of this book? Thanks for the information, Daniela

posts on 6/4/2006 3:59:50 PM wow i was amazed how someone non-polish could wright a book this accurate about how everything was in the kosciuszko squadron but this was a very good book.
DIANE ARMSTRONG posts on 2/22/2006 1:55:25 AM I'm a Polish-born writer living in Australia, currently researching World War II for my next novel. I have a question which I hope you'll be kind enough to answer. Would a Polish airman who remained in Poland until 1942 and was then smuggled into England, have been permitted to join the RAF at that stage? What training etc would he have had to undergo before he was accepted? Are you aware of any such cases? Thanks again for writing such an illuminating and riveting book. Best regards, Diane Armstrong
Andrzej Ostrowski posts on 8/11/2005 4:56:03 PM Thank you very for the great book. As the person who grew up in Poland and knew about many aspects of the WWII, this book opened my eyes on many more. I'm going to buy few copies and give them away to my cousin in the US as well as my English speaking friends.
Hanna Hofer posts on 2/8/2005 5:32:01 AM Hi, it will be great if there's a German translation of your book.Please let me know about that.Thank you!
piotr malepszy posts on 1/2/2005 5:38:47 PM Thank You. Graet book. I hope there will be more people that will understand our (Polish) spirit and history after reading "A Question of Honor". It is hard to belive that this book is written by the people who have no Polish roots. It makes the story objective. The heroes you introduced to non-Polish public desreved this."Better later then never". Piotr Malepszy

Note: the views expressed here are only those of the posters.
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