Philip K. Dick Message Board

Oldtrekker2 posts on 3/4/2006 1:38:59 PM The Chromium Fence appeared in Immagination, July 1955 When personal hygene promotions become the law, watch out! War Veteran appeared in If, March 1955 A war veteran know more than then he should about a war to come.
djzj posts on 3/3/2006 10:08:02 PM the philip k. dick show airs at 1pm pst on thursdays at or kuci 88.9 fm, mostly music, but with added dickian elements
Oldtrekker2 posts on 3/3/2006 8:24:41 PM A World of Talent (aka "Two Steps Right") appeared in Galaxy, October 1954 Telepathics, parakinetics, precognizants, psychics, animators, resurrectors, anti-psi, other mutants and normals will learn what happens when the first married precogs produce a child.

djzj posts on 11/16/2005 10:50:35 PM tune in eart creatures to the philip. k dick show at or orange county88.9 fm it's really cool good music and dickian elements such as good converation and readings
Paul Williams posts on 4/9/2005 2:16:47 PM Sarah Pottle posts a message on 4/9/2005 11:08:20 AM Hi Paul, Thanks for your recent help. Much appreciated. Do not want to take up too much of your time or space on this message board but I am struck by a reoccurring image in Dick's fiction. In Valis Dick describes the eight hours of phosphene activity he had mentioned earlier in Scanner Darkly in terms of the canvases of Paul Klees and Picasso.I know from reading biographical material that this is a reference to his own experience by am struck by the fact that he also describes the hallway in The Simulacra as having the same paintings. Do you know if this is just an arbitary choice or if these canvases held any particular personal meaning or interest for him? Sarah-- I do not know personally Phil's tastes in vicual art, but i am certain that we writers often reveal such things to perceptive readers by way of what we find ourselves repeating. Thank you for making the connection between what PHil wrote in The Simulacra in 1963 and what he reported he experienced 10 or 12 years later. Of course Klee and Picasso were reference points for him when he had his disorienting visual experiences in '74-'75 (referresd to in this Scanner Darkly passage) because he was already familiar with (and intrigued by) their work. Phosphene avity, like dreams, depends for its content on what is alreay present in our brains and memories. What most intrigues us and holds our attention is certainly what find its way, rpeatedly, into our writings, our own artworks. Again, I thank you and congratulate you for your good scholarship! Phil's novels, like anyone's, are a sort of diary. bes wishes, Paul Williams
Sarah Pottle posts a message on 4/9/2005 11:08:20 AM Hi Paul, Thanks for your recent help. Much appreciated. Do not want to take up too much of your time or space on this message board but I am struck by a reoccurring image in Dick's fiction. In Valis Dick describes the eight hours of phosphene activity he had mentioned earlier in Scanner Darkly in terms of the canvases of Paul Klees and Picasso.I know from reading biographical material that this is a reference to his own experience by am struck by the fact that he also describes the hallway in The Simulacra as having the same paintings. Do you know if this is just an arbitary choice or if these canvases held any particular personal meaning or interest for him?
derr115 posts a bold assertion on 3/26/2005 3:23:39 AM i am surprized to see my long report on the danger of letting the young in school in to the world of belief systems explored by p k dick... i mentioned it had to be handled with care - that some of pkd assertions or implications about the inevitability of some randomness/chaos in human life had to be handled with care with the young....censorship here is not good- i am hoping my long message was removed due to its length and not its message.
posts a bold assertion on 3/26/2005 3:22:54 AM i am surprized to see my long report on the danger of letting the young in school in to the world of belief systems explored by p k dick... i mentioned it had to be handled with care - that some of pkd assertions or implications about the inevitability of some randomness/chaos in human life had to be handled with care with the young....censorship here is not good- i am hoping my long message was removed due to its length and not its message.
Sarah Pottle posts a message on 3/26/2005 2:26:59 AM Thank you Paul for being so helpful Warmest Regards Sarah
Paul Williams posts a bold assertion on 3/24/2005 3:25:43 PM Sarah-- go to your university's library, and make a request via the Interlibrary service for the images you are looking for (use Sutin to be as specific as possible). Make your requesr ro SPecial Collections at the LIbrary of Cal State Fulerton University, in Fullerton California. The librarian's name is Sharon Perry. Paul Williams.
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