Robin Hood (1991 TV) Message Board

Professors M1 & posts a message on 1/5/2006 7:08:23 PM 'prince of thieves' is an accurate title for the film that seems to be the focus of this internet discussion board, 'cause any cracker from the historical period represented in POT is a thief. as for Azeem, that nigga is just an uncle tom on his knees for an imported religion. let's get free. can anybody give us a lift to the next Uhuru meeting?
Johannes Slutten posts a message on 10/31/2005 9:11:41 PM thank you to "Rognasty" for your kind words. why, if my archetypal "three draft style" did not give it away, I received my post-graduate degree from Dr. Nolan, a modern day Azeem of Harvard. However, my personal relationship with the man has worn a bit thin after he encouraged me to branch out from my P.O.T. specialization to expolore a minor emphasis in Dead Prez and mystic Catholicism. But i wouldn't have it.
Johannes Slutten posts a message on 10/31/2005 9:07:21 PM that sevant you speak of has a name, and it's Duncan, you Druid Wizard Homo! I have no time to watch movies about Indians. I'm interested only in the fantastic world of wonder Kevin Costner creates just by being on film. What makes P.O.T. such a cinematic joy is the way they added and subtracted characters at their will. for instance, they added a Moor and Robin's half-brother, bastard son of a peasant woman. then, they just wrote Prince John out of the script altogether and elegantly reduced Friar Tuck from a significant character to a bumbling alcoholic. his character is simply translucent in the finished product! truly a work of cinematic genius. as for your Last of the Mohicans, it was simply an attempt to recreate Prince of Thieves in a more North American context. note the similarities, you cannot deny me.

Red Sally posts a message on 10/27/2005 1:14:52 AM Have you losers ever actually taken time from your POT obsession to watch a little movie called "the Last of the Mohicans." This piece of cinematic excellence is obviously the best and only successful historical fiction transition from written or printed on paper to silver screen. It's so pathetic how much time you losers spend on this message board. I hope you go blind from your computer screens kind of how Robin Hood's dad's servant lost his sight in POT.
Rognasty posts a message on 10/27/2005 1:05:29 AM thank you Slutton for your very insightful comments... I also appreciate the three different drafts. You seem of a very special intelligence when it comes to P.O.T... who did you study with?
Johannes Slutten posts a message on 10/26/2005 7:20:41 PM I have to second the remarks made by "Rognasty". Prince of Theives is- truly- the only thing worth living for. I prefer to focus my mind's wanderings each day on the witch as a doppelganger to Azeem and their symbiotic relationship. Sometimes before bed I might be roused by the musings of Azeem's witty insights into Western culture, as he compares it to his far off native country. Otherwise, sometimes after I put the kids to bed at night, I tell my wife I'm doing laundry and instead I use my kid's baseball bat to pretend I'm Robin Hood and I have to fight Little John to cross the river through Sherwood. And let us not forget Medieval mullet action. P.O.T. is truly the greatest story ever told.
Johannes Slutten posts a message on 10/26/2005 7:19:58 PM I have to second the remarks made by "Rognasty". Prince of Theives is- truly- the only thing worth living for. I prefer to focus my mind's wanderings each day on the witch as a doppelganger to Azeem and their symbiotic relationship. Sometimes before bed I might be roused by the musings of Azeem's witty insights into Western culture, as he compares it to his far off native country. Otherwise, sometimes after I put the kids to bed at night, I pretend I'm doing laundry and I use my kid's baseball bat to pretend I'm Robin Hood and I have to fight Little John to cross the river through Sherwood. And let us not forget Medieval mullet action. P.O.T. is truly the greatest story ever told.
Johannes Slutten posts a message on 10/26/2005 7:19:15 PM I have to second the remarks made by "Rognasty". Prince of Theives is- truly- the only thing worth living for. I prefer to focus my mind's wanderings each day on the witch as a doppelganger to Azeem and their symbiotic relationship. otherwise, before bed i might be roused by the musings of Azeem's witty insights into Western culture, as he compares it to his far off native country. Otherwise, sometimes after I put the kids to bed at night, I pretend I'm doing laundry and I use my kid's baseball bat to pretend I'm Robin Hood and I have to fight Little John to cross the river through Sherwood. And let us not forget Medieval mullet action. P.O.T. is truly the greatest story ever told.
Rognasty posts a message on 10/26/2005 12:45:56 AM Robin Hood Prince of Thieves (better known as P.O.T.) is pretty much the only thing worth living for. What else says so much with so little effort? What else gives you the sense that everything's going to be O.K. after all? Azeem - huge bitch to total badass in two hours!!!!! Unpossible!!!!!!!

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