Virginia M. Axline Message Board

Ana posts on 8/22/2007 12:16:38 PM I just happened to pick this book up at Heathrow Airport it is called Daniel isn't talking. by Marti Leimbach absolutely wonderful here is the back cover write up: Melanie marsh is an American living in London.Married to the perfect Englishman. Their youngest child is diagnosed with autism, their marriage unravels at speed. Melanie struggles to help her son. Then Melanie hears about a man named Andy O'Connor who calls himself a play therapist. Despite his lengthy client list, she is sceptical. but when he walks into the house and starts playing with Daniel it changes everything!
Dan posts on 8/20/2007 6:53:54 PM It is a shame exceptional people such as Dr. Axline developed techniques to assist emotionally disturbed youth only to have it depleted by adult and societal madness. Dibbs had a partial out through his brilliance as I sense the same for you, Ann. But what if Dr. Axline's techniques were applied to a small control group? Several small control groups in diverse cultures the world over? There is an innate communication between caretakers and children, absent that, can one quantify her success?
Ana posts on 8/20/2007 5:49:51 PM Dan this site is for people that are interested in learning more about the work of Virginia Axline, and may agree or disagree with her work or techniques. It is a great forum to discuss Play Therapy in general, and Child Centered in particular. I understand that we may have different views, but how you feel about Virginia Tech attrocities, and what kind of treatment the killer should have received, has nothing to do with this site. It is Virginia Axline not Virginia Tech!

Dan posts on 8/20/2007 2:32:38 PM You make me want to puke. Of all jobs people choose to persue, Some cater to their pathologies by working with the vulnerable. It starts with an f And ends with an s. And as for the virginia tech killer, He needed medication and intensive therepy. The teachers, Law enforcement, taunting peers coupled with An escalating evil snake pit like burgeoning pathologies created a realized killer. Yes virginia was effective, but in a world where tough is in, I aN afraid the little guy had the last laugh.
Ana posts on 8/20/2007 1:17:53 PM Psychotic Isolationism? Where did that come from? From what I've heard about Virginia Axline, she was a very private person, who advanced the field of Play Therapy to incredible hights thanks to her two books, but mostly because of Dibs. Because of her "Humanistic" way, we now talk about children not being miniature adults and deserving of respect. We set boundaries, and give them choices. Maybe the cold blooded killer of Virginia Tech would had benefited greatly by having someone like her as his therapist! Dibs was not psychotic...and neither was Virginia Axline!
Dan posts on 8/20/2007 3:25:34 AM DR. AXLINE Is somewhat of a mystery lady. I doubt if many have seen her picture. What was so unique about her book, Dibbs? Is it not interesting that she was instrumental In bringing a child out of psychotic Isolationism and ended up in a subtle form of it herself? Intellectuals abound? Tell that to the virginia tech families and all who gave this kid the green light to kill. Think about it... tough guys/girls.
Ana M. Sutton posts on 8/15/2007 2:11:28 PM Hola Zoraya, mi nombre es Ana Sutton, soy Norteamericana pero naci en Argentina. Acabo de venir del Congreso de Estres Post Traumatico en Buenos Aires donde presente con un equipo que organize de 9 terapeutas de juego de gran capacidad a nivel mundial. Soy Terapeuta de Juegos Registrada y tengo una organizacion sin fines de lucros que se llama Nana's Children. El problema que cuentas es "mutismo selectivo" es cuando un ninio elije donde y hablar, no tiene nada que ver con Autismo, sino que es un desorden de ansiedad. Por lo que cuentas, pareceria como que algo ha vuelto a despertar en tu hijo ansiedad. Yo te recomiendo que busques, no se donde vives,un terapeuta de juego...que te ensene a ti a jugar terapeuticamente con tu hijo. Eso se llama "Filial Play Therapy". No puedo ponerte el e-mail de mi organizacion pero se llama Nana's Children MHF. si lo buscas en Google lo encontraras. Me puedes escribir ahi. Suerte, Ana M. Sutton
zoraya bravo posts on 8/15/2007 1:44:55 PM hola!! yo espero que tengan un traductor, porque solo hablo español. ok mire yo tengo un caso especial, lei este libro hace dos años cuando mi hijo tenia todavia 5, el iba al kinder, pero no hbalaba nada, sin en cambio sabia todo lo que la maestra le enseñaba, mi hijo hablo un 20 de noviembre en un festival, pero ya en su segundo ciclo escolar, yo lo empece a llevar con una psicologa, y ella lo trataba por medio de terapia de juego, solo que como el niño no le gustaba ir con la doctora, un dia el hizo un trato conmigo que trataba de que si yo ya no lo llevaba mas a la terapia, entonces el hablaba en la escuela, pueden creerlo, como el cumplio con el convenio, pues yo tambien lo hice, y ya no lo lleve mas a la terapia, ahora me arrepiento, porque vuelvo a tener este problema, ahora no se quiere relacionar con los demas compañeritos. nos cambiamos de ciudad hace dos años, antes viviamos en mexico, y ahora estamos en atlanta, ga. la verdad es que no se que hacer, yo se que el es muy inteligente, pero no se como ayudarlo a expresar todo lo que sabe... espero me ayuden. atte zoraya bravo nuestro num es 678-535-8380. gracias
EH posts on 8/9/2007 11:35:53 PM For Jeanne, the OTR who believes that play therapy doesn't work for children with autism: I'd suggest you read up on Greenspan's DIR model of intervention for children on the spectrum. With years of careful, respectful, and dignified intervention that follows the child's interests, many children on the spectrum have become warm, engaged, sensitive, creative, and flexible thinkers. As a child psychologist myself who has worked within the DIR method, it would be a shame if a professional in the field subscribed to the idea that children with autism were forever limited in their ability to create ideas and benefit from a play-based treatment that is sensitive to their ideas and passions. Its also very freeing for the professional in the DIR play intervention!
Michelle posts on 8/1/2007 1:17:56 PM A friend of mine recently shared that she thought two other books about "Dibs" had been written. Is this so? If it is I would greatly appreciate your letting me know the titles so that I might locate them. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Michelle
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