Dance to the Piper Book Summary and Study Guide

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Dance to the Piper

Basically this book is a saga about the O'Hurley family. They are a fun loving family of entertainers. Each of the children have gone there own way one son, and nonidential triplet girls. This story is about the middle triplet Maggie. She is a dancer on Broadway, and has recently left her long running musical where she was lead. She is going to star in a new musical that is backed by Valentine Records, a family owned business. Reed, the CEO of Valentine records has taken over the company from his father and he decides to stop by and watch them practice. When he meets Maggie he is late for a meeting with the producers but sees that she is getting mugged by a desparate teenager. By the time he reaches her, she has won the struggle with the would-be mugger and she is picking up her things.
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She is spontaneous and asks him over for dinner then she leaves. After she has left, he finds her brush.

A few nights later, he comes to her place for dinner and is sort of shocked by her apartment. It has stage props everywhere in a jumble, yet it all seems to fit. Spralled across her wall is her name is lights, a gift from her brother. He notices a dying plant and comments on it. Her reply is that she keeps on killing them and someone should save the plant.

They eat and he learns that she has made steak for him, and a salad for herself. She explains that being a dancer she has to watch what she eats, but she wouldn't refuse a few bites of his steak, it would be rude. So as the night winds down, she sets them up for another date.

Events go on like this for a while until they make a regular habit if it all. One day while it is raining she goes to his offices and brings him the plant because it is a matter of "life and death" and she would feel terrible if she killed another one.

However, Reed is having a little meeting with his father, and so Maggie gets to meet his father. It turns out that Reeds father knows Maggie's parents and that they had helped him out during a hard time in his past.

As the musical progresses, Reed and Maggie get more involved and Maggie receives a surprise visit from her triplet sister Chantel, who is a famous actress. Maggie fills her in on what is going on in her life, and Chantel gives her what advice she can. Then she goes shopping and buys an outfit for Maggie to wear on her special date with Reed.

After their date, they are basically considered a couple, she wants to get married, and he doesn't believe in the institution of marraige. Then the story of his past comes out.

It turns out that Reed's mother slept around on her husband and that Reed was not her husbands son- due to the fact that he turns out to be sterile. The worst part about it is that the mother told the whole story to a young 5-6 year old boy, and then ran off with her lover.

On the way home from the going away cast party for the musical, Maggie is told this story by Reeds father, who has considered Reed his son regardless of the facts. The status of Reeds birth doesn't matter to Maggie except for the pain felt by the young Reed.

The cast is now in Philly getting ready for the premier performance of their musical. Maggie is rehearsing when her family shows up. The O'Hurleys and the Valentines all go out to eat.

On the night before opening night, Reed gets worried because Maggie hasn't answered her phone all night so she drives over to see what is going on. He has suspicions that she might be cheating on him or something. When he arrives he discovers Maggie in bed getting some sleep for the next day and he questions her about what she was doing all night. Maggie gets upset realizing that he came all the way down just to check if she was seeing someone else.

The next day, Reed has gotten over his inner difficulties about marriage and proposes to Maggie. The only problem is that he does it like a business contract. Not very romantic.

Of course Maggie gets upset and tells him to leave her alone so she can get ready. Reed goes and has a talk with his father, and learns the error of his ways.

Of course opening night is perfect, and afterward Reed has the plant from earlier sent down as a gift for Maggie. But there is a huge change. Now the plant is healthy and growing where it was once droopy and yellow. This is a sign to Maggie and they make up and she accepts his marraige proposal.

It all ends happily.

The review of this Book prepared by Autumn Lee

Chapter Analysis of Dance to the Piper

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Plot & Themes

Time/era of story    -   2000+ (Present Day) Inner struggle subplot    -   Yes Struggle with...    -   (general) search for identity/new understanding If one lover chases another...    -   they alternate

Main Male Character

Profession/status:    -   business executive Age/status:    -   20's-30's Sex makes him    -   confused    -   sensitive

Main Female Character

Age/status:    -   20's-30's Profession/status:    -   entertainer Effect of sexing    -   confident    -   blissful Unusual characteristics:    -   Very shy


City?    -   Yes City:    -   New York

Writing Style

Accounts of torture and death?    -   no torture/death What % of story is romance related?    -   90% How explicit is the sex?    -   descript of kissing    -   touching of anatomy    -   actual description of sex Focus of story    -   equally on him and her How much dialog    -   roughly even amounts of descript and dialog How much sexing?    -   3-4 sex acts

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Nora Roberts Books Note: the views expressed here are only those of the reviewer(s).
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