Home Book Summary and Study Guide

Sarge spots a bald guy in a bar who she recognizes--only the guy hasn't aged a day since she saw him last, so he must be a betrayer. They zap him, realize he is a betrayer, and zap him again. Then they decide to locate a betrayer factory to get more information.

They go to a surface dwelling of settlers who are working with the Baileys--in fact, they think the Baileys are friendly aliens who will take them to a nice planet, when in reality the Baileys are just using them for templates to create betrayers. They plan to put a tracer on whoever's picked next to be taken by the Baileys, but it turns out that the person who's next on the list is Sarge's sister Lily. (And Sarge's name is actually Rose).

They rescue Lily but she doesn't want to be rescued. They pretend to be friends with the Baileys to get her confidence, and persuade her to let the Baileys take Sarge next (so they can lead her to the betrayer factory). But Lily gets suspicious and blows the whole deal, and in the mess that follows both she and Cleo get taken by the Baileys.
Note: the views expressed here are only those of the reviewer(s).
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