Rescue Book Summary and Study Guide

This is part II of "Home". Cleo and Lily get taken to the Betrayer factory. Cleo tries to warn Lily that things are not going well, but Lily is convinced that they are being prepared to go to the home planet.

Then some Mauser looking robots come for them and strap them into surgical couches. A sample of their blood is drawn and injected into some betrayer clone bodies nearby. Then some probes are brought down to their faces and their memories are drawn out, to be transferred to the clones.

Meanwhile Hal and Sarge launch a drone to find the location of the Bailey's factory--it's only a mile or so away (how convenient!). But then a Bailey arrives and tries to step on them, so Voice launches another drone to distract the Bailey so they can escape.

They go into the factory and quickly find Cleo. Then they shoot up a bunch of robots (who seem easy to kill--evidently they don't get standard betrayer defenses), and kill Cleo and Lily's clones along the way. They rescue both of them, but get trapped in a firefight in a nearby corridor. Meanwhile, charges they plant are about to explode. Voice tells them to blast the floor, and they do, revealing the underground city where they live. They jump down and get their freedom.
Note: the views expressed here are only those of the reviewer(s).
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