Sailing To Capri Book Summary and Study Guide

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Sailing To Capri

Sailing To Capri opens at the funeral of Sir Robert Hardwick where his dear friend and assistant Daisy Keane and his PI, Harry Montanta. Daisy is visably shaken by the death of Hardwick only to learn from a letter delivered by Montana that he could possibly have been killed by one of six people that he listed. Hardwick requests that Daisy and Montana invite each one of the six suspects plus a few "red herrings" to take a Mediteranian cruise aboard a private yacht to the Villa Belkiss on the island of Capri and once they arrive, they will read Hardwicks final will. The story then moves on to introduce each one of the suspects in the murder, their relationship with Hardwick, why they could have been guilty, and how they react to the invitations. Once the cruise begins, the attraction between Montana and Daisy picks up only to be side lined by the on going investigation and the truths that begin to surface while on the way to Capri. By the end of the story, the murderer will be revealed and second chances will be given to the rest of the "friends" of Hardwick.
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The review of this Book prepared by Annie Strasburg

Chapter Analysis of Sailing To Capri

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Plot & Themes

Composition of Book descript. of violence and chases 10%Feelings, relationships, character bio/development 70%How society works & physical descript. (people, objects, places) 20% How difficult to spot villain?    -   Difficult, but some clues given Crime Thriller    -   Yes Murder Mystery (killer unknown)    -   Yes

Main Character

Gender    -   Female Age:    -   20's-30's


Europe    -   Yes

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