The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin Summary Study Guide

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of The Aviator's Wife


 If your husband lives somewhere else, guess what he's doing when he's not with you? Once I saw that Charles and Anne were basically living on the other sides of the globe I knew that Charles was boning a lot of women, probably Hitler Youth. Take that as a tip, ladies: if your man doesn't live with you, he's living with someone else.


If your husband is famous, guess what he's doing when he's not with you?  A man becomes famous, and uses that fame to bone other women. Surprised? It's only been happening since the beginning of time. Most men don't have the opportunity to cheat on their wives, but famous men do. If Anne wanted Charles to stay faithful to her, she should have sabotaged his plane so it never got off the ground.

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Having a famous husband does not make the wife equally famous. Lindbergh was famous for flying across the ocean. His wife, less so. She flew as his navigator in his early years, but never had the record of achievement that he did. This book describes how Anne wrote a book of her own achievements, but never described what those achievements were--because there were almost none. Sure, she got a pilot's license, but so did other women. Basically, Anne was famous, to the extent that she was, because a famous man squeezed her breasts every night, in the same way that Lindbergh's toilet was famous because Lindbergh peed into it every night as well.


Lesbians can switch back and forth. Contrary to the theory that sexuality is set by genes, some people like Anne's sister Elizabeth switch back and forth from lesbianism to heterosexuality. In Elizabeth's case, it clearly was a choice.

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