Buffy The Vampire Slayer Message Board

Anita Entz posts on 9/28/2005 4:21:34 PM Did a Google search: "Before there was Spike, there was William, a brown-haired, ineffectual gentleman of approximately 30 years of age, who lived with his mother and wrote poetry in 1880. (William's surname is not revealed in the series, but is widely accepted to be 'Walthrop' in Buffy fandom, though Joss Whedon recently revealed it to be 'Pratt'.) He was called "William the Bloody" behind his back by his peers, because his poetry was so "bloody awful." This nickname (with more deadly connotions) followed him as a vampire." Hope that this helps!
Megan Prater posts on 9/13/2005 8:51:03 AM Buffy is awesome i have season 2-6 and they are being watched every day thank you buffy for being there
Kristen posts on 9/1/2005 4:15:02 PM I really do not think they say or mention his last name. He is always called William, William the Bloddy, or Spike. If he has a last name, it was never mentioned in the show. I have seen all of the Buffy episodes several times and hopefully if they did mention it, I didn't miss it, but I don't think anyone has.

michael posts on 9/1/2005 1:46:06 PM i'm not sure if i just missed this or something, but does the show ever tell what william the bloody's real last name is?
Callum Jones posts on 7/29/2005 6:34:29 PM Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Anthony Head will make an unannounced appearance live on stage with Sony recording artist Clare Teal at a charity concert at Bath Rugby Ground on Sunday 31st July. They will perform at least one song together in front of a crowd estimated to be over 8000.
April Bowers posts on 7/19/2005 8:42:58 AM i spent 7 years watchin buffy as i was growing up and, it was great to see a woman being the hero and saving all the lifes for a change. the creator has ultered and defeated many stereotypes throughout its run and everyone involved in the production of the show should be very proud as they have put forward many positive images to this generation! and also a lot of great entertainment and a lot of laughs throughout the hundereds of witty and hillairious remarks. beilliant television, which will be remebered for years for its original ideas and unique approach!
Darth Seth posts on 7/13/2005 1:01:50 AM Buffy complains way to much! I have to save the world and have sex with vampires wany wany wany. It isent fair(sob sob).
Kristen posts on 7/5/2005 9:28:20 PM I also live in the USA and I know when some reruns come on. You can see Buffy daily on FX. It comes usually comes on at 1 and 2 eastern time (12 and 1 central), but I am uncertain about western time. Angel reruns come on TNT at 5/6c.
Arnold Swartsenager posts on 6/27/2005 4:52:38 PM my mom won't let me watch yr show. She thinks it's trashy , and yes i am really THE ARNOLD SWARTSEMAGER
girlsnpants posts on 6/23/2005 3:21:45 PM I would suggest ebay or a website like it.
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