Edward Scissorhands Message Board

posts on 8/24/2006 11:45:38 PM yea thats probly what he did and yea i think kim did im not real sure but i think she did
posts on 8/24/2006 12:56:51 PM He probably didn't want to start the whole ordeal over again. In the beginning, Kim is talking to her granddaughter I believe. So did Kim marry someone else and have a child who then had a daughter that is Kim's grandchild? Sorry, that doesn't make much sense, but I hope you know what I mean.
posts on 8/23/2006 11:42:09 PM yes it is very sad and i cried too its just that kim is like in her 70s and every one like joyce and peg are dead so edward could go back down there but i dont know why he doesnt youd think he would

posts on 8/23/2006 4:43:20 PM Yeah, that's so sad isn't it? What will happen when Kim dies? Will he know somehow? He can't exactly go down to town and check. At the end, when he was making those pretty ice sculptures, I started crying all over again.
posts on 8/22/2006 11:48:43 PM i have seen a night mare before christmas it is a wonderful movie. and yea since edward isnt human but has some human features i guess he wouldnt change except for his heart it will always love kim.
posts on 8/22/2006 6:48:37 PM I've never seen "Nightmare" to be honest. I know that every Tim Burton fan MUST see that movie, but I didn't get a chance yet. I think that since Edward isn't exactly human he doesn't grow. He looked the same when Kim was an old lady. I liked the dog part too. I liked how he cut the ladies' hair too. I didn't like that flirtatious lady though! She was EVIL.
posts a message on 8/22/2006 5:22:02 AM I think my Favorite film of Tim Burton's is "Nightmare Before Christmas" anybody else?
posts a message on 8/22/2006 5:20:00 AM I cried too... but i try not to think about the ending, instead i think about my favorite parts. Like... LOL i liked the part when Edward Does the dogs hair. I think i liked the black spikey one. Who else had favorite part?
posts on 8/21/2006 11:08:36 PM yea it is very sad two lovers ment to be but can never be it just makes me wonder if he aged or stayed the same and if they were together would they live up there or move to a diff location but they would probly stay in the mansion
posts on 8/21/2006 12:21:57 PM Oh, I know what you mean. It's hard picking a favorite part when the movie is so good. I cried at that part too! It was so happy but sad at the same time. They love each other but can't be together, sigh, sniff, sob.
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