Lorenzo's Oil Message Board

posts a message on 6/20/2006 3:53:44 AM Lorenzo's oil is so real see how his parents work hard enough
posts a message on 5/16/2006 9:47:14 PM I just saw the movie in my biology class in school. It is amazing and unbelievable how much Lorenzo's parents love him and how hard they fought for their son's life without giving up.
posts a message on 5/4/2006 9:24:55 AM People interested in finding out what happined to Lorenzo Odone, if you go to the Myelin Project web site it has info and pictures of Lorenzo at 27 years old. Just thought you'd want to know.

posts a message on 4/29/2006 6:44:32 PM Sorry in that last posting of the website I spelled myelin wrong.
clara ceja ramos posts a message on 4/5/2006 12:19:57 AM hola, soy mexicana, la semana pasada pude tener la fortuna de ver la pelicula de un milagro para lorenzo, y me quede intrigadisima me gustaria saber si siguen las investigaciones en torno a este caso, me imagino que si pero no que en si yo quiero saber es si los señores Odone siguen investigando al respecto, Lorenzo murio???? o sigue con vida me gustaria mucho qye me respondieran gracias.
lucia miranda posts a message on 3/8/2006 10:24:38 AM Soy de habla hispana, por lo que pido disculpas si no pueden entenderme. El domingo pasado, después de mucho buscar conseguir la película, finalmente la vimos con mi esposo, Pablo, que tiene Esclerosis Multiple (Multiple Sclerosis) y lloró mucho porque va teniendo las mismas disfuncionalidades que Lorenzo pero como él, sigue teniendo mucha voluntad por vivir y bien. Qiusiera saber si hay algún descubrimiento sobre la remielinización de que su proyecto habla y gracias por el ejemplo de lucha.
Nayara de Oliveira posts a message on 3/1/2006 4:14:34 PM Eu queria muito saber,se o menino Lorenzo ainda continua vivo até hoje,depois de tantos esforços dos seus pais.Assisti ao filme e fiquei encantada com tamanha luta pela sua cura.Por favor,respondam-me assim que puderem. Fico muito grata.
Nayara de Oliveira posts a message on 3/1/2006 4:14:11 PM Eu queria muito saber,se o menino Lorenzo ainda continua vivo até hoje,depois de tantos esforços dos seus pais.Assisti ao filme e fiquei encantada com tamanha luta pela sua cura.Por favor,respondam-me assim que puderem. Fico muito grata.
Katelyn posts a message on 2/24/2006 5:38:42 PM I just watched Lorenzo's Oil in my bio class. I knew after I watched the first half the first day we watched it that this would be a movie that was going to stay with me for awile. I thought after I watched the whole thing I would feel sick and depressed like the way I felt after I watched the movie The Pianist. But this movie was different, I actually felt hopeful at the end. I felt that if Lorenzo and his parents could do what they did, then anything is possible. I know that Lorenzo is not completely well, but even so he serves as a light of hope for the whole world. I am inspired.
Melissa posts a message on 2/6/2006 6:58:36 PM I watched Lorenzos Oil last night and I was so touched that these parents were able to make such an impact on all these boys lives. I am amazed that Lorenzo has made it to this day. Actually, I am not surprised he made it with the parents he had. I want to let Agusto know how courageous that he and Michaela were. I don't know if I could have shown that much fortitude. You both have your spot reserved in heaven.
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