Men in Black Message Board

Soylent Yellow posts on 2/23/2006 8:41:04 PM Wil Smith was good in ID4; except for the cracking of jokes just tens of millions of people had just been incinerated by the ALIENS but Wil Smith seems to have been inserted just to have a major black character. Why is that Wil Smith always seems like the token black man in every movie since ID4? Men in Black and Wild Wild West (awful) immediately spring to mind. Wild Wild West was totally absurd - a black secret service agent in post Civil War America? EYE dont tink so! As for MIB, it was totally forgettable. No desire to ever see it again. MIB 2 was absolutely awful. Im waiting for them to remake GUNSMOKE and replace the deputy Festus with Wil Smith. Hollyweird is absolutely bankrupt of ideas. All they do is recycle old TV series and make movies out of them. The only good thing about MIB was the Wil Smith music video with the dancing alien. And that wasnt even in the movie.
jim posts on 2/23/2006 8:25:50 PM was there a name for the BUG in the first men in black. the guys name was edgar, but did the bug, that inhabited him, have a name?
Tom posts on 9/23/2005 12:09:52 AM For a High School project, am trying to find out what the cost was for special effects. Please help.

Michael posts on 2/16/2005 12:49:43 PM The following is a spoiler for anyone who has never seen MIBII... I only saw bits 'n pcs of MIBII including the last 15 minutes and picked up synopses of the story online so I have a basic knowledge of the plot. I think Dawson is one of the most beautiful actresses of our time and a few years down the line there's an Oscar for her...but for now she should come back in a sequel to MIBII. Here's your story...Laura, now the queen of the planet she went to at the end of MIBII, Zartha, finds out Jay is actually a descendant of Zarthan aliens himself and is therefore of the "royal" bloodline (Kay and the other agents already knew this but kept the info secret so as not to compromise his status as an agent). She sends a transport ship for Jay and they have a lavish royal wedding on the planet which is almost spoiled by the supermodel alien Seerlena or whatever her name is. They have a child together (a son who could be played by any of the current popular Black male teen idols) who grows to full teenage maturity in a rapid amount of time and joins "Dad" as an agent back in NY. Since the son is of royal lineage he is 10x more powerful than Mom (Laura). The supermodel alien REALLY wants a piece of this kid. The whole family teams up to defeat the supermodel alien and everyone goes back to Zartha to be Light. Key premises: - Jay comes to terms with an alien heritage and gets mad at his MIB "brothers" for not telling him. Later he and Kay make up in a "father-son" moment. Jay develops powers similar to Laura. - Romance between Jay and Laura develops big-time. MIBII left this disturbingly unfinished. - Jay comes to terms with being a father and mentor to a teenager when he is still very young himself. - Massive X-Men caliber demonstrations of disastrous weather changes when the son gets pissed off. I don't know a damn thing about movies, comics or the MIB series but ain't this a good idea?

Note: the views expressed here are only those of the posters.
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