Nightwalker Message Board

Brianne posts on 1/16/2006 10:22:08 PM I just rented nightwalker volumes 1 & 2 they both rocked i have wached them each 5 times so far and i am in the process of trying to buy them and i wish they would make more because i have never actually never seen them on Tv."yey"
rose posts on 12/3/2005 4:07:42 PM hi im one of your biggist fans. your show rocks cause of the blood and swearing and the really cool vampire action and alot of other stuff well later
Adam posts on 11/6/2005 4:04:34 PM No, but I think you might be able to rent the DVDs of the series.

london posts on 11/5/2005 7:32:41 PM Me either it sounds very interesting. does it still come on?

Note: the views expressed here are only those of the posters.
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