A.J. Quinnell Message Board

Munchie posts on 3/27/2006 11:45:25 AM Oh Randy, you really are showing your age, obviously you haven't been to a night club in decades, let alone years (were they still discos then?). It's aciiid in a high pitched voice NOT, acid please my good man. And please, don't speak ill of the departed, it may be true but there was no need to bring that up!
Sharyn posts on 3/26/2006 9:23:19 PM Well girls, read Randy's comment and weep. He truly knows his stuff by crowning me the ULTRA femme. Too right, Randy. Too right. And boys ... you can take a lesson from Randy's book. So Randy, you just keep pouring that "shine" into your jug, and let the compliments flow. shee, shee, shee.
Randy posts on 3/24/2006 9:32:51 PM hic, oops, sorry! Been in that 'shine again. Munch, do you know where the name "moonshine" came from? and what is this aciiid business? Are you trying with your limited intellect to spell acid? I guess you mean battery acid. Never tried it, but I've tasted some 'shine that probably is a reasonable facsimile. Sharyn, what is this hee hee stuff? Being the ultra liberated lafemme should not we say shee shee? Anyway, back to my jug; AJQ probably enjoyed a little "shine" in his lifetime.

Sharyn posts on 3/20/2006 10:23:06 PM Randy, the cogs in my brain haven't slipped, they've rusted. But, Andy's brain doesn't have cogs, it has mice! 42. Munchie ... how dare you suggest our Randy is inebriated while posting on the board? That's the only time he's sober. hee hee, sorry randy, just a bit of humour ... even if it was at your expense. Well, it beats laughing at me anyway!
Munchkin posts on 3/17/2006 11:18:56 PM Me thinks you too have been sipping something strong, Randy my boy. Moonshine perhaps with a pinch of aciiiiiid! Say it as it is, don't hold it back there!
Randy posts on 3/16/2006 9:00:15 PM Methinks two of AJQ's favorite chillun have slipped a cog or two while sipping a grog or two,
Sharyn posts on 3/16/2006 5:15:15 PM Andy, I OWN smut-u-like-com. Furthermore there's smut-u-don't-like (very very lewd, being about painters and decorators with dialogue like: "eww. I preferrr the beige colour. Let's change it.") "It". Very suggestive. Then there's all-kummers (where people make r rated statements like: ... double you, double you, dots come) Then there's all-goers (for the impotent). Finally, though I don't own it, there's awl-reedahs, click QR, click, A J Quinnell, click, you're IN. wink wink, philthy 306 ... times.
Andy posts on 3/16/2006 1:32:43 PM Okay, so I was tired again! I meant to put "Pick up joint" but since you work in a strip club, you should understand now...or was that a painter and decorator strip joint, you meant? I f you don't get to read this, I'll repost it on smut-u-like-com for you.
Sharyn posts on 3/15/2006 10:34:52 PM Hear! Hear! Andy. Too right. This is not a pick joint. May I ask, in a polite manner, what is a pick joint? Is it a "funny stuff" smoke of your choosing? Anyway, may all the smut be removed to another site. So ... okay ... everyone happy. Oh well, I'm off to another site!
Andy posts on 3/15/2006 2:33:38 AM Good Morning All from a overcast Cotswolds in Gloucestershire, we have the day off today to go to the Cheltenham horse races - 8 miles away. A special Hello to Sharyn, a newbie to the site, just a polite note, this is a clean site and not a smutty pick joint...and that goes for you too munchkin, so if the two of you can cut it out we'll all be happy.
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