A Cylon baseship full of nude Boomers? Message Board

The new Battlestar Galactica series has a really weird First season finale--Boomer lands on a Cylon baseship to find it full of Boomers--NAKED Boomers! What's that all about? Do you think the Cylons are sex crazed lesbian robots? If so, is it likely that Starbuck is also a Cylon?

Ben G posts on 3/18/2006 9:03:20 PM Yes the nude Boomer concept does seem a little strange. What puzzles me is why a race of machines wants to be human-like anyway. Look at the Borg, they don't want to be human, they are cyborgs who want to be a greater race of various alien qualities. This whole female Cylon thing is out of control. Cylons will always be chrome soldiers with red eyes as far as i'm concerned. There was nothing wrong with the origianl recipe, i don't know why they screwed it up.
rand posts on 3/18/2006 2:24:36 AM just a question. first, i think it's very healthy that you're attracted to starb-tch and sharon. but would you really want to live in the world their characters do? isn't facing homicidal robots and nearly starving or freezing to death on spaceships that are little more than tin buckets kind of a high price to pay for a little premium, and only in grace's case, t-il? take care.
MWS posts on 3/17/2006 3:04:17 PM I am in love with starbuck and that alien we call (grace). Oh, If only we were all living in these times. I think that this has been a great improvement on the original, And look forward to many adventures.

rand posts on 1/16/2006 9:25:21 PM bang, i honestly can't imagine any show having as much hard and just plain bad luck working against it. i think that's one of the reasons i love it so much. what an underdog story. i'll spend the rest of my life wondering what might have been. maybe if the show had aired a few years later when new programs aired in syndication? what if abc had stuck with the plan for a series of movies? what if arthur c. clark and issac assimov had written scripts for the second season? one of these days, i'll post what glen larson wrote in the liner notes for the twenty fifth anniversary of the soundtrack to the show. take care.
Bang Bang posts on 1/16/2006 2:20:12 AM Rand, you are exactly right when you wrote that the original Galactica was intended to be a series of movies. I believe the original plan called for "Saga of a Star World", "Lost Planet of the Gods," and "Gun on the Ice Planet Zero." (Although I'm not quite sure about Lost Planet of the Gods--Jane Seymour's character was supposed to be dying of radiation poisoning at the end of the pilot, so I'm not sure if this episode was originally part of the package.) But I recall Laurette Spang (Cassiopeia) saying in an interview that some parts of the series had to be filmed not just on Saturday, but on Sunday morning as well, just hours before the show was supposed to go on the air. Glen Larson didn't have the luxury of dressing his characters up in a suit, tie, and eyeglasses, so his work took a little more time than the new Galactica. Fans of GINO should appreciate this more when they critique TOS.
rand posts on 1/16/2006 1:52:51 AM squid, i agree both shows work well for their time. and that's the problem with the new one. it's too timely, too now, too american. too violent. too sexually explicit. when the original galactica was first given the greenlight by abc, and if my facts are wrong, anyone feel free to correct me, but it was not meant to be a weekly series, but rather a series of three hour movies spread out over a period of months. but when abc got the ratings, over sixty five million viewers, they decided they wanted a weekly series and rushed it into production. they had no scripts ready at all, not nearly enough sets built and hardly any special effects shots, which is why we see the same viper blowing the same cylon up over and over again. i have been told that episodes completed on friday or saturday were shown on sunday. how many people at all, except a genius like glen larson could work under such conditions and still create a show loved by millions of people around the world? how could there not be some less than stellar stories, or a few badly acted scenes? it's a miracle the cast, crew and creators could work under such conditions at all. now consider ron moore and reimagined. while he doesn't have a fraction of the budget of the original, he has the advantage of computer generated images that replace the work hours of probably hundreds of special effects artists. he was also given all the time he needed to develop script ideas, nor did he have such strict network censors as mr. larson had to contend with. he has been given a free hand by the sci-fi channel while mr. larson had one tied behind his back at all times. what makes any comparrison between the two series unfair is that moore's galactica was given time and a friendly environment to develop, it also had a recognizable name already beloved by millions. mr. larson had to contend with money hungry executives at a real network with viewerships in the tens of millions rather than just a few milion. one more fact before anyone calls the original a failure, and once more correct me if i am wrong, but not only was the original galactica the highest rated sci-fi show in history, it also garnered better over all ratings in the extremely tough sunday night time slot it was placed in than any show before. THE PRICE TAG KILLED GALACTICA and nothing else. mr. moore also doesn't have to contend with george lucas. i hope he realizes how lucky he is. take care.
Squid posts on 1/15/2006 3:03:01 AM U a parrot porthos?? I remeber saying the new show wouldn't survive back then and vice versa. For their time and place they both work well. What i don't understand is why aren't ya'll trying to get scifi to run the old show and and it's movies etc...? I'm sure fans of both show even many fans of the new show would support that I know i would.
Porthos the Beagle posts on 1/15/2006 2:11:29 AM Id love to give Squid a break. Ill even let him pick his arm or leg of choice. GINO having more seasons means little. The respective playing fields of each were completely different. GINO could never have survived in TOS's network environment. It might never have even made it to the small screen at all. GINO'S cable environment doesnt have the restrictions a network program has to adhere to so it CAN get away with being more shocking on cable. "War of the Worlds" was the first show to show you can get away with more shocking stuff and flourish on cable syndicaton.
rand posts on 1/15/2006 12:00:56 AM dirk, i could very easily be mistaken. i am not perfect. i had just always heard that adolf and the other guy were awarded the nobel. if you read a post i left on one of the other threads i have admitted to be obsessive compulsive. i do go kind of nuts when people don't seem to listen to what i consider to be reason. i know the original galactica was just a show, and the characters were portrayed by actors with completely different personalities, but it was a good show. it was innocent and had wonderful values that i believe in with all my heart. to me, the new show is a b-stard, with no birthright to the name galactica. we need shows like the original today more than ever before. we don't need sadisim for adults, we need good, family based shows. science fiction needs to go back to the days of buck rogers and flash gordon and the original star trek. and if your last name is by any chance benedict, thank you for one of the most heroic and noble characters in sci-fi history. or is it pitt as in dirk pitt? take care
Dirk posts on 1/14/2006 7:35:51 AM Rand, I think you need to do some fact checking. These two did not recieve the Nobel Prize. They both were nominated by fascist sympathizers but were voted down. Where did you get that info? I won't go into what I think about both shows because this is your domain and you guys need a place to vent. But give Squid a break. He (or she) has a right to post their objections to those who claim to speak for service memebers and their opinions about how the new show is viewed.
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