A Cylon baseship full of nude Boomers? Message Board

The new Battlestar Galactica series has a really weird First season finale--Boomer lands on a Cylon baseship to find it full of Boomers--NAKED Boomers! What's that all about? Do you think the Cylons are sex crazed lesbian robots? If so, is it likely that Starbuck is also a Cylon?

rand posts on 1/14/2006 1:20:36 AM i've said it a thousand times and i guess i'll have to say it a thousand more. science fiction is supposed to be hopeful and life affirming. the fact that men and women stuck on this miserable ball of mud and water can dream of a better world where there is no war or racisim or poverty is a miracle as far as i'm concerned. and for once i have to agree with pieman, not only the black out of 2003, but also the way new yorkers helped each other out after the 9/11 attacks proves that we don't have to act like animals. the whole concept of the real galactica was that it was about the war between good and evil with mankind caught in the middle. you might say the new show has pretty much the same theme. the only real difference is that glen larson's colonials, despite their cheesy 70's hairstyles, chose the right side. i can not feel any compassion for mr. moore's characters. i agree with what whichever number boomer we're up to said tonight. do these people really deserve to survive? so go ahead laugh at it all you want, but morally, the original galactica is the superior creation. also consider this, when galactica premiered on sept 17 1978, more than sixty five million people tuned in. it is still the highest rated science fiction program in history. the viewership of every episode of regurgitated combined can't claim anywhere near that high a number. take care.
Bang Bang posts on 1/13/2006 5:05:55 AM I've always wondered why the fans of the original Battlestar Galactica have to be almost apologetic to post messages on this site. All we hear from the fans of the new series is that the old shows' fans are "whiners," or "lost in the seventies," or "if you don't like it, don't watch," and so on. Why the FRAK should WE have to apologize for anything?? Or act like we're walking on eggshells?? THE ORIGINAL BATTLESTAR GALACTICA IS THE ORIGINAL. 'Nuff said. It didn't spring from Ron Moore's diseased mind. He didn't come up with the concept of lost brothers of man, heroic, noble, always seeking to better themselves, searching the heavens for Earth, so as to fight a common threat. What the dear, beloved Moore came up with was to twist that concept to the "black sheep" brothers of man, who all hate each other and who are worse than their enemies, looking for Earth--like we really need that bunch here. Squid, if you served in the military and your fellow soldiers are like the Galactica crew, then this country is in trouble. There will be no Greatest Generation this time around. I thank you for your service to this country but a world without heroes is no world indeed, and there are no heroes on the Galactica. And GINO fans, stop running your frakkin' mouths about the original Galactica only being on for one season. Even the original Star Trek slogged through the first three seasons. It was ahead of its time, and it many respects, the original Galactica was ahead of its time too. Remember this, you holier-than-thou GINO fans, if there wasn't an original Galactica in 1978, do you really believe that Ron Moore would have developed such a concept on his own? He probably would've tried to do Star Wars on TV, with Han Solo in a tie and Darth Vader in bifocals.
rand posts on 1/13/2006 3:20:35 AM bang, don't waste your time with the likes of people like squid. you know how the fans of the new series are. at least most of them. i honestly tried to be respectful of their feelings because that's the right thing to do, but i'm tired of not being respected for my opinions in return. squid is in the military, or at least says he was. if its true, i thank him for sacrificing part of his life where i could live my own little selfish life safely, but he is dead wrong about the real and only galactica. nor do i believe the people in the us military act the way the hooligans on the new series do. our men and women in the services have only the highest morals and ethics. i wanted to join myself, but i'm an epileptic, not to mention not man enough. the problem is the majority of new show fans suffer from an inferriority complex because regurgitated is a bas-ard child with no birth right. they always feel the need to prove themselves by saying the new series won this award and that award, or has been on so much longer than the original. as far as awards go, both hitler and mussolini were awarded the nobel prize. even that idiot jimmy carter won one. the old joke about awards and belly buttons is only too true. the real galactica had heart and soul, it was science fiction in its most pure and innocent form. it told entertaining stories while slipping the occasional gem of morality in, making it easier to swallow. so what if the new series has won critical acclaim? critics are only people who lack the talent to create anything themselves so who cares what they think anyway? and always remember, the critics despised the original star wars. the same year they praised a little italian movie called amicord. which movie does the majority of people around the world remember 28 years later? and how many do you think will remember regurgitated 28 years from now? "Oh yea, that was the episode where boomer was almost raped. or that was the episode where apollo and star-itch had sex in the launch tubes, or isn't this the one where they catch baltar playing with...well, you know. i also want to respond to a question on the other line about anyone watching the new series to see boxey, for some reason i couldn't post there. children will not be seen on the new series, because that would only cut down on the number of rapes and other various acts of violence and debauchery ron moore can squeeze into each 43 minute episode. the marquis de sade lives again and his name is ron moore. take care.

Bang Bang posts on 1/13/2006 2:16:30 AM Rand, even if Admiral Cain is really a Cylon, I do not think that the Pegasus will attack the Galactica. This would be way too much action for Ron Moore. Plus, CGI effects for that sort of battle would cost too much. (No wonder we didn't see the battlestar fleet being wiped out by the Cylons in the mini-series. At least the original Galactica showed us the Atlantia being destroyed!) Instead, we'll be treated to an hour of endless talking, bickering, arguing, plotting, and maybe some sex and murder thrown in for good measure. By the way, Squid wrote in an earlier post that the original Galactica was only on for one season. like we fans of TOS should be embarrassed. Well, dear Squid, if the original was so God awful, where the heck do you think the new show came from?? It sure as heck didn't come from Ron "I HAVE CHANGED SCIENCE FICTION FOREVER" Moore's mind. When Ron Moore pees, he probably has to copy off the guy in the next stall.
rand posts on 1/13/2006 2:01:28 AM but, squid, can you say everyone didn't? either way it was still in bad taste. take care.
Squid posts on 1/13/2006 12:44:19 AM Well Rand i know that when i saw the sucide bombers i didn't have flashbacks from Iraq of them, firing back or having dead freinds. I saw it for what it was, the way things are. P.S. The place i work is mostly Vets and the few that watch Sci-Fi or atleast openly do didn't feel trama either.
rand posts on 1/12/2006 1:55:30 AM bang, are you expecting the pegasus to attack the galactica once they engage the cylons? once more, can anyone out there in cyberspace, anyone at all, please tell me how ron moore has forever changed science fiction? was it his theft of the plot to the invasion of the body snatchers? the old we don't know who the enemy is because they look just like us? was it the near porongraphic nude scenes with number six, or all the attempted rapes? was it the graphic violence that makes most modern video games look like mario brothers? was it the mention of such exotic alien delicacies as coffee, liquorce and stogies, or strange nick names like hot dog? what has the man created for himself? what can he possibly stand up and say that was my idea, not glen larson's or someone elses? i was looking on the net the other day and found a list of the so-called 50 best sci fi series ever, and could not believe when moore's galactcica was rated as number two best ever. the writer said he would have given it the top spot but it was still too new. i honestly do not see what anyone, even a critic finds so wonderful about this show. i know the critics love it, but then we all know critics love anything that is boring, depressing or french. but in the end none of that is what matters. like it or not, it was we fans of the original galactica who kept it alive for 25 years, and it was our efforts to bring it back which gave mr. moore and bonnie hammer the chance to sneak to universal behind our backs and say hey, we can do it a lot cheaper than mr. hatch, mr. larson, or bryan singer. we'll saturate the show with sex and violence and use cheap cgi special effects, we'll dress the actors in everyday street clothes to save on costumes and use everyday modern english. originality? who needs it? take care.
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