Charlaine Harris Message Board

April posts on 11/5/2006 2:59:22 PM I have tons of questions but most will be answered in your future books I am sure. I have enjoyed it time and time again. You are a amazing writer who takes us a way to land were we feel it is a part of us, Sookie ,aurora and many other feel like a girl we knew in school or a wacky cousin. They are all heavly addicting books and I would like to say keep up the good work. Are you thinking of having a book signing in Raleigh , North Carolina? It is the captiol. Well best wishes with the family and the writing I will contine to donate my money to barnes and nobles for my addiction.:) Happy Holidays:)
posts on 10/7/2006 7:36:06 PM Unless something drastic happens to change my writing schedule, the Sookie books will continue to come out once a year in late April or early May. The date will be on my website, when I know it. Charlaine Harris
posts on 10/7/2006 6:24:44 AM I don't know, but seriously, with males like Quinn, who would want one of the regulars? ;) The book is scheduled somewhwere during 2006, I think.... I don't know if C. Harris put it somewhere on the last posts...

posts on 10/6/2006 6:20:18 PM can someone help me i was wondering when the new book was coming out for sookie? PLZ
posts on 10/2/2006 7:01:09 PM I think that's the fairy in her. :) It lures all the supernatural males but none of the regular guys.
posts on 10/2/2006 3:36:04 PM Well, I do like how Sookie is growing. You can see more shades and shadows on her, just like a real person XDDD What seems to be getting "plate of the day" is that every man that sees her wants her. Grating on the nerves of the other girls on the books, surely...
posts on 10/2/2006 12:47:29 PM Is it my imagination, or is Sookie ready to snap? I was surprised at how mean she seems to be getting. True, she's been through a lot, but the Sookie I've grown to like (a lot) seems to have been taken over by someone who lashes out and thinks later. Any thoughts? No intention of knocking the series, love the books but would like to see Sookie less ugly to those around her. I hated to see Sam kind of afraid to mention his concern to her, for an example (but then, I'm a Sam fan).
posts on 9/26/2006 10:47:38 AM Deika, most of the time, HBO releases their series onto DVD after a while so if you can't get HBO where you are, you will be able to get the DVD eventually. Also, there isn't anything posted on their website to date but trust me, my eyes will be open to ANY info regarding this fantastic series....
posts on 9/26/2006 7:36:30 AM Yes, the series will only be on HBO, and I have no idea how to answer your other questions. You'll have to look at the HBO website, I guess. I have nothing to do with the project; I just wait to hear, like everyone else. Charlaine Harris
posts on 9/24/2006 6:27:01 PM So I hear all this business about a television series on the Sookie novels, which leaves me with questions. Will this only appear on HBO? How can someone who doesn't live in the U.S. watch it? And lastly, when is it set to appear? Thanks to anyones help!
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