Linda Howard Message Board

Mandy posts on 1/17/2005 4:11:40 PM This was one of my favorite Linda Howard books because it is so well written and the emotion of Milla is just so unbearable that you end up crying after every bad thing thing that happens to her. Everyone should have a copy of this book to re-read when you are upset because at the end it really lifts your spirits.
Fern posts on 1/15/2005 8:36:06 PM Hated it. This is the only Linda Howard book that I ever read that I simply did not like. The book was fluff. I paid $11.99 for fluff. It didn't even seem like it was written by the same author. I love reading Howard's book but this was simple a waste of my money.
pam/of former Stargazer posts on 1/12/2005 3:25:00 AM Not one to care for ist person fiction, I was not eager to read this.However, the temptation out weighed that little problem. It was truly a good read, once into it. Loved Wyatt. Could get into her skin a bit. What I am confused about is where did this come from? It's totally forgein to her other works. Was this something I had missed in the past? Is this a re-issue? It's just soo different. Was this ever in hardback? The concept, the style was a shocker. And, to hear it on audio, the endings "to die for"! Out of eight stars, I have to give it 7 & 1/2 stars. And a definite KEEPER/re-read. thanks for a great read!
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