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Title (click on a book/movie below) Author/Actors (click on a book/movie below) Gordonator Ranking
Guardians of Gahoole: The Outcast Kathryn Lasky 2000
Guardians of Gahoole: The Hatchling Kathryn Lasky 2000
Guardians of Gahoole: The Burning Kathryn Lasky 2000
Guardians of Gahoole: The Shattering Kathryn Lasky 2000
Guardians of Gahoole: The Siege Kathryn Lasky 2000
Guardians of Gahoole: The Rescue Kathryn Lasky 2000
Guardians of Gahoole: The Journey Kathryn Lasky 2000
The Capture Kathryn Lasky 2000
Three Rotten Eggs Gregory Maguire 2000
Silverwing Kenneth Oppel 2000

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