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Title (click on a book/movie below) Author/Actors (click on a book/movie below) Gordonator Ranking
Endurance S.L. Viehl 8000
P.E.A.C.E. Guy Holmes 8000
Killing Time Caleb Carr 8000
Bloodsworth Island Jeff Slate and David Rearden 8000
Air-Mech-Strike David Grange 8000
The Virgin in the Ice Ellis Peters 8000
Mirage Matthew J. Costello 8000
Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse James Wesley Rawles 8000
Unintended Consequences John Ross 8000
Judgement in Death J.D. Robb 8000
The Panama Affair Barry Evetts 8000
The Long Walk Stephen King 8000
Night Moves - Net Force 3 Tom Clancy 8000
Icefire Paul and Garfield Reeves-Stevens 8000
Quicksilver Paul and Garfield Reeves-Stevens 8000
Storming Heaven Dale Brown 8000
The Tin Man Dale Brown 8000
Mirror Image - Tom Clancy's Op-Center 2 Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik 8000
Games of State - Tom Clancy's Op-Center 3 Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik 8000
Piranha Firing Point Michael DiMercurio 8000
Sky Masters Dale Brown 8000
Barracuda Final Bearing Michael DiMercurio 8000
The Enemy Within Larry Bond 8000
Day of Wrath Larry Bond 8000
Kriegspiel Todd Stone 8000
Line of Control - Tom Clancy's Op-Center 8 Tom Clancy and Jeff Pieczenik 8000
Seduction In Death J.D. Robb 8000
Cauldron Larry Bond 8000
Ferriman's Law Lee Zion 8000
Debt of Honor Tom Clancy 8000
Fruit of a Poisonous Tree Norm Harris 8000
Witness in Death J.D. Robb 8000
Memory in Death J.D. Robb 8000
Conspiracy in Death J.D. Robb 8000
Charon's Landing Jack DuBrul 8000
Immortal in Death J.D. Robb 8000
Glory in Death J.D. Robb 8000
World War III, The Beginning Joel M. Fulgham 8000
Survivor in Death J.D. Robb 8000
Waking Walt Larry Pontius 8000
The Trojan Odyssey Clive Cussler 8000
Holiday in Death J.D. Robb 8000
Visions in Death J.D. Robb 8000
Naked in Death - Death Series 1 J.D. Robb 8000
Dragon's Fury - Eagle's Talons Jeff Head 8000
Share, Inc. James Lewis 8000
Naked in Death J.D. Robb 8000
The Walk Lee Goldberg 8000
Divided In Death J.D. Robb 8000
Full Circle Michael Boyle 8000

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