Great Jobs for English Majors Book Summary and Study Guide

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Great Jobs for English Majors

Beginning with an introduction that describes the role of the English major in history, this book details the various career paths possible for those who graduated college with degrees in English. The first chapter consists of self assessments, intended to help the reader determine his or her strengths, interests, and values to help decide upon a career path. The book goes on to offer strategies on how to develop appropriate resumes and cover letters, how to interview, and how to successfully network. One suggestion offered is to gather a list of possible job titles and to shadow long-tenured professionals with each job title, in order to get a better idea of what the job actually entails.
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The second half of the book offers detailed descriptions of 5 different career paths available to writers: writing, teaching, advertising, business administration, and technical writing. For each option, the book lists a general definition, more specific job titles, working conditions, training and qualifications, career outlook, and strategies for successfully landing a job.
The review of this Book prepared by Melissa Rachiele

Chapter Analysis of Great Jobs for English Majors

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Plot & Themes

This book offers help with    -   career help Composition of book    -   20% describing problem 80% offering solutions How many solutions offered?    -   5-12 described in significant detail

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Julie DeGalan and Stephen Lambert Books Note: the views expressed here are only those of the reviewer(s).
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