Secrets of the Jedi Book Summary and Study Guide

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Secrets of the Jedi

Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adi Gallia, and Siri Tachi are on a mission to safeguard a ten-year-old technical genius, Talesan Fry who intercepted a dangerous message. There's going to be an assassination attempt at a secret meeting of twenty planetary leaders. Taly must testify before the senate, but first, he needs to get there alive.
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The Jedi go to the planet Cirrus to pick up Taly and his parents. A bounty hunter attacks them in the hotel Taly and his parents were supposed to be at. Both the Jedi and the bounty hunter now know where their quarry is lying low. There's a frantic race to get there first, which the Jedi win - just barely. Taly's parents decide to stay behind to try and drawl the attackers away. The Jedi escape with Taly, but the tracks them. They crash land on the planet Quadrant Seven and split up. The Padawans, Obi-Wan and Siri, hide out with Taly in a cave they find. The Masters, Qui-Gon and Adi, stow away aboard the bounty hunters' ship. One of the five bounty hunters sent after Taly stays behind on Quadrant Seven.
When the one freighter that comes to Quadrant Seven a month arrives five days later, Obi-Wan, Siri, and Taly wait to sneak aboard. The bounty hunter that stayed is there though, so they steal his ship instead. An anti-theft device is rigged so that they'll explode on reversion, so they send a broad distress signal, hoping someone will attack them and pull them from hyperspace. On that doomed ship, Obi-Wan and Siri discover their friendship has become something frighteningly different and wonderful: love. Though it is forbidden, they cannot deny it. The plan works; too well. Pirates attack and capture Taly. Obi-Wan and Siri crash.
Obi-Wan, Siri, Taly, Qui-Gon, Adi, and all five bounty hunters descend upon Rondai-Two, where the assassinations are to take place. Two hunters are killed, two are captured, and one escapes, but the twenty leaders are all alive and the mission is a success. Taly goes on to testify, but he holds back one vital piece of information: who hired the bounty hunters?
Twenty years later, Obi-Wan, Siri, Anakin Skywalker, and Anakin's secret wife, Padme, are all on a mission to save Taly again. Taly made a codebreaker that could win the war for the Republic. The separatists put a tracking device on it though which draws the mighty Separatist fleet to a hidden Republic base. Magnus, that vengeful bounty hunter, is back and trying to shoot Taly down. Siri pulls a crazy move and jumps onto his starfighter, forcing them to crash. Siri dies; Obi-Wan's heart breaks. Though they turned away from that forbidden love, they'd just agreed to be best friends. Anakin's consumed by his own worry for Padme's safety. He sees that Obi-Wan wanted to kill Magnus, but since the elder Jedi did turn away, he concludes there couldn't have been more than friendship there.
The review of this Book prepared by Julie Gilbert

Chapter Analysis of Secrets of the Jedi

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Plot & Themes

Composition of Book Descript. of chases or violence 50%planning/preparing, gather info, debate puzzles/motives 10%Feelings, relationships, character bio/development 30%Descript. of society, phenomena (tech), places 10% Tone of book    -   humorous or laughable FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION?    -   science fiction story Romance    -   Yes Romance plotlets:    -   two lovers coping with tough mission Spying & Investigations    -   Yes What is main char. doing?    -   unraveling a conspiracy Kind of series    -   Star Wars Is this an adult or child's book?    -   Kid's book (ages 7-14) Star Trek or Star Wars book?    -   Yes Human/magical couple?    -   Yes Type of couple:    -   Both human, he has mental powers

Main Character

Identity:    -   Male Profession/status:    -   student Age:    -   a teen If magical mental powers:    -   is very quick


Planet outside solar system?    -   Yes

Writing Style

Accounts of torture and death?    -   generic/vague references to death/punishment scientific jargon? (SF only)    -   none/very little science jargon needed How much dialogue?    -   roughly even amounts of descript and dialog

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