In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez Summary Study Guide

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of In the Time of the Butterflies


Sex cures sadness over v_gina problems. When Patria lost her baby, it seemed nothing could make her happy again, until she discovered a cure--sex! Once she had a lot of sex, she got better quick.


Nuns have a recruitment problem. The nuns wanted Patria to become a nun, but Patria was so busy fingering herself in bed at night that she was getting calluses on her palms. Most girls don't want to be a nun because they have to give up dick, and most women aren't willing to do that.


Dictators have time to interact with every citizen. In this book, it seems like Trujillo, the ruler of the country, has time to interact with every citizen. In this book we learn that dictators have unlimited time to consort with every citizen, no matter how ordinary.

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Communist terrorists feel virtuous. Minerva and her communist sisters feel that they are being oppressed by the government, the government which found them with guns and ammunition on their property and plans to create a communist dictatorship. Minerva and her sisters felt that they were virtuous, and that their motives and means were above question.


God doesn't listen to communists. Minerva and her sisters spend a lot of time praying to God for help. But God doesn't listen to them, probably because they are communist swine.

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