Mary Downing Hahn Message Board

Mary Downing Hahn posts on 5/1/2012 5:59:51 PM Hi! Thanks for all the comments from my fans!
Emma R. posts on 3/22/2012 11:35:59 PM Hi I'm 11 years old and you are my favorite author! I have read a lot of your books and LOVED them all. :) my favorite is probably either The Old Willis Place , or All The Lovely Bad Ones. I would really appreciate it if you would send me an email listing all of your books! I was at the Missouri Literature Festival and heard you were sick and I was very upset. :( I hope you get better soon! I'll keep reading your books! Love, your forever fan. Emma R.
Summer posts on 2/11/2012 1:21:37 PM Hi. i am a HUGE fan of your ghost stories. I read, "Wait Till Helen Comes," "All The Lovely Bad Ones," "The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall," "Closed for the Season", "Deep and Dark and Dangerous," and today I finished reading, "The Old Willis Place." I can't choose which book is my favorite. They're all so good! By the way, my 11th birthday is today. Please email me what book you thought was the best. THANK YOU :)

Hailey posts on 1/29/2012 1:51:06 AM Hi,I am 11years old and in love with your books. I said at the beginning of the year I was going to read all your books and I am already half way there. I just read Decemeber Stillness and it is a really good book.Right now I am reading The Old Willis Place.I want to know what your favorite book that you wrote? Please e-mail me the answer.THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Sequoia posts on 12/11/2011 12:47:10 PM Dear Mary Downing Hahn, I'm 11 years old and I am in LOVE with your books. I have read Closed For The Season, Wait Till Helen Comes,and Ghost Of Crutchfeild Hall. My school just had their book fair, and I bought All The Lovely Bad Ones. I got interested when my friend was reading Wait Till Helen Comes and said it was really spooky. I love spooky books so I picked it out at my library and fell in love. What is your inspiration for writing these books? Please email me back! Love your biggest fan, Sequoia
mimi & alexsandra & adam posts on 11/29/2011 12:33:27 PM Dear Ms.hahn , We just finished Close for the Season. We loved it . We wanted to know who killed Ms.donaldson .We think it was Mr.disilvio or Cilis . We also wanted to know what mix Bear is we only know he's a mutt.We think you should write a sirous. We are thinking about readin another ook you wrote. Sicerly ,Mimi , Alexsandra , and Adam
Melissa posts on 11/24/2011 6:15:38 PM Dear Mary Downing Hahn, I must say that your book is magnifcent. My daughter wants to send you a letter. So if you could, please send me an email with your address in it.Thank you!
Rachel Jensen posts on 11/11/2011 10:04:49 PM sneha kumar have you really read all her books. Did you read " The Gentleman Outlaw and me, Eli" It is my favorite one of hers did you like it? I wish I could meet her in person.
sneha kumar posts on 11/11/2011 1:45:10 PM Hi, My name is Sneha. It's a little hard to pronounce. I cant believe that i'm actually posting on your message board!!! You are an amazing author, when I first started to read your books, I wasn't to interested, but then after Wait Till Helen Comes, I was glued to them. I have read every one of your books atleast 3 times. Your an amazing author. If I ever got your autograph I would faint. Please keep on writing! I'm addicted!:)
Rachel Jensen posts on 10/30/2011 11:51:36 PM Hello Mary Downing Hahn I am twelve years old and am striving to read all of your books. I want to become a writer like you now and when I get older. Its really important to me now because so many of my friends are writing like Rick Riordan( the author of Percy Jackson) and your way of writing is so much better. My life's dream would be to meet you in person but because I'm pretty sure that won't be possible could you please e-mail me back so I can at least talk to you.
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