Star Wars Message Board

posts on 4/28/2006 9:47:52 AM I've got your address now you sent me that message, so its OK. Though for some reason my email is malfunctioning at the moment. I'll email you when its fixed. As to going to Africa, that would be awesome but I don't think I'm old enough. Have to go now, post again later.
posts on 4/26/2006 2:07:57 PM Ok scratch that last message, I'm on the fanfiction thing now. So I will be sending you some pictures soon.
posts on 4/25/2006 2:35:29 PM Well I can't say that I really mind having our own message board. Do you? I can't email you unless i have my own account and for some wierd reason I can't seem to open my own. So if you don't mind I'm going to kind of stick my neck out. If you go to Ebays site, go to community, look up kristenskywalker where it says Enter a User ID, click sellers items, click on any item and then there should be a button that says ask seller a question. If you hit that you can email me and I can send you an email with some pictures on it. If you aren't comfortable with that you can say so, I just don't really want to plaster my email address all over for everyone to see. Though I don't think anyone comes here anymore I am just being careful. You could probably come down to do childcare in africa with me next year. That would be awesome. As for giving up my vacation to go to Africa I'd do it in a heartbeat. What countries have you been to?

posts on 4/25/2006 10:41:33 AM Cool. Some girls at my school went to an African country to do work with orphans at Christmas, and I was like, wow, I don't think I could give up my Christmas to go to a foreign country. Anyway, pictures? Well if you go on my fanfiction profile you can email me from there, and put the pictures on with it. Wow, this is kind of our private message board now, isn't it? hah, I think we scared the others away.
posts on 4/24/2006 12:01:19 PM Yes, it was Cameroon. Have you ever been there? Probably not. I didn't want to come back. I wasn't homesick or anything. I've been crying forever. I went to church yesterday and it was quite embarassing. I cried about 3-4 times in church. I think that God might be calling me there. I felt closer to the people there then i do to people that ive known for years. Every morning when i wake up i wish i was still there. It was like one big family. I'm sorry i'm being very melancholy. Do you know of a way that i could send you pictures of my trip?
posts on 4/23/2006 9:45:33 AM Showers with big cockroaches and snails? Urrgh. So was it Cameroon you were in?
posts on 4/23/2006 8:55:23 AM Im back home now. You should try going to africa sometime. I cried on the plane, when i got home, and this morning. I wasn't ready to come back. i really loved it there and hope that i can go back next year. I met a really cool lady named julie that was from scotland, but has been living in england for the past few years. She is teaching english as a second language in cameroon now. You should have seen the huge cockroaches and snails. Taking showers with them is very interesting. The weather is about 100 degrees, then there is the humidity. Ugghhh. It was really cool.
posts on 4/10/2006 1:29:22 PM I feel sorry for them. How can they LIVE without Star Wars? Ok, so I'm exaggerating a little bit, but still. I think it's so cool what you're doing. I'd like to do that when I'm a bit older. Or there was this speaker at church last night who was the founder of the International Aid Trust, you might have heard of them. He was amazing. He only became a Christian at 42 years old, and now he's got this huge charity that helps zillions of people all over the world! I thought it was very cool. I got a SW book out of the library today. It was a Clone Wars novel. And it was SO frustrating, apparently they had about 30 Kevin Anderson books in the system but nearly all of them were out or missing! grrr.
posts on 4/10/2006 1:00:14 PM this is me in africa. the weather here is amazing! There is a speaker here named peter kingston who is a brit. I will email you when i get home, but im on a borrowed computer so i don't want to be very long. I brought star wars down here because how can people here live with out it. i'll talk to you later.
aliciaskywalker posts on 4/6/2006 12:40:36 PM Wow - cool, you mean my Redwall fanfiction? Yeah you can email me if you like, that's OK, and I shall pray for you. That's the missionary trip thing you were talking about, right? Oh yeah, and I know about that thing in AOC, it was a bit unbelievable. I mean, Anakin had just had his hand cut off, what kind of pain is that?
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