Star Wars Message Board

Rodeostar posts on 3/9/2006 4:50:11 PM Hi. Kristenskywalker just go down this page and there will be a list of the boards. just click on Lauren Brooke. We'd love to have her come and talk. I understand your concerns though. Any way, Neighs.
aliciaskywalker posts on 3/9/2006 12:35:22 PM Clever girl, Feather! And wow, Kristen, that was the longest post you've done in a while. I think, that in the Old Jedi Order, Yoda was the most powerful (until Anakin came along). Then when they both died, Luke was, because (duh) he was the only one left. And I agree about the raw power/control thing, that's why Anakin and Obi-Wan were so evenly matched in the duel on Mustafar. Whoa that was such an amazing lightsaber battle. My friend's brothers are obsessed with Star Wars, and I've seen them trying to recreate that duel with sticks. Say no more! One time they convinced my friend to help them with the three-way battle in Clones, and I laughed so much. Sorry, randomness for a bit there. Hey, I'm reading this really cool book at the moment, it's not Star Wars related at all but it's so good. It's called King of Shadows, by Susan Cooper (who wrote The Dark is Rising Sequence, also very very VERY cool) and it's about this young actor who goes back in time and meets Will Shakespeare.
kristenskywalker posts on 3/8/2006 3:59:46 PM Honestly I don't know how that got in there. I looked at it and thought how in the world did that get in there? My mom feeds her cat I hope that doesn't mean anything. Out of curiosity though which one of you is older? Not trying to be nosy.

Featherbrain posts on 3/8/2006 3:49:17 PM Hobbit's my sister? So That's why my mom always insisted we feed her and let her sleep in my extra bedroom! It's all coming clear to me... Anakin had the most raw power, but Obi-Wan had the most control. Luke's kind of a balance between them.
kristenskywalker posts on 3/8/2006 3:12:30 PM Where is the Lauren Brooke site? My sister might, but she is one of those kids that doesn't like to disobey her parents(which isn't a bad thing). She can't keep secrets and she might end up blabbing about me being on here. Another about megz, how can she say she doesn't like Star Wars if shes never seen it? When my parents checked out ANH I was grounded so I didn't get to see it and I missed half of ESB because somehow I thought it was Star Trek, which I don't like. I walked into the room when Luke was just entering Dagobah's atmosphere. I was going to leave, but when he took of his helmet I was hooked. So if Luke hadn't been good looking I probably would have never seen Star Wars. Burrahobbit and Featherbrain are sisters. Just goes to show you that you shouldn't be prejudiced against a movie you've never seen. I like Jedi Apprentice a lot Amanda. Jedi Quest is ok, but it makes me feel melancholy. It's like you can see things happening to Anakin and I kept wanting to say, "No, don't do it Anakin." And if the two of them would've just shared their feelings with each other who knows how the story would've turned out. Ok I have a thought. There is no right or wrong answer so this isn't a test. Who is the most powerful jedi? We all know Yoda was extremely powerful. Yet in Epsidoe III he is defeated by the Emperor. But in episode VI the Emperor is defeated by Vader/Anakin. But both Obi-wan and Luke could defeat Vader. Mace Windu could've defeated Palapatine if Anakin hadn't stepped in. In episode II Dooku defeated Obi-wan. The emperor could defeat luke in ROTJ. Dooku was defeated by Yoda in AOTC. Anakin also defeated Dooku in ROTS. So my question is who is the most powerful? I think Obi-wan a) He defeated Darth Maul(no small feat), b) He defeated Anakin, c) Even though Vader killed Obi-wan, Obi-wan let him do it, d) He had to be pretty good in order to survive the Jedi slaughter. As for my favorite alien I'm partial to wookies, loyal to a fault. Wow that was a mouthful.
aliciaskywalker posts on 3/8/2006 11:33:31 AM Well, my favourite animal is definitely Scottie dogs! Anyway, in an attempt to transmute this topic into something to do with Star Wars, which alien in Star Wars (book and movie) do you think is the coolest? I like Twi'leks personally. Like Kit Fisto.
Rodeostar posts on 3/7/2006 6:19:30 PM I really like wolves. They used to be my favorite animal but... horses! Would your sister want to post on the lauren brooke site? we heartland lovers would love it! Whinnies.
kristenskywalker posts on 3/7/2006 6:10:49 PM Drats posted the same thing twice. Didn't mean to do that I hate it when my computer does that to me. So just ignore that last post.. My sister LOVES Heartland. I've never read it though. She is really into horses. She's got pictures of horses tacked all over her wall. I think just about every kid has gone through a horse loving stage. All of my three sisters went through that phase. I never did though I've always been into weird animals. My favorites being seals and wolves. Oh and I'm partial to rabbits, mostly mini rexes.
kristenskywalker posts on 3/7/2006 5:22:31 PM Well I was always maxing out my library card and hers and most of the books were Star Wars. So she kind of did have a good reason. BUT she never said I couldn't read them while I was at the library or the bookstore. So I read them when I go somewhere and if I don't finish the book I remember where I'm at and just pick up where I left off when I come back. She knows I do that, but she doesn't seem to care. What book series have you read Rodeostar?
Rodeostar posts on 3/7/2006 4:38:55 PM Amanda on a different bored she used incorrect gramar saying she seen but she should have used saw. i'm writting a book right now and am in typing mode. for me every detail must be perfect. do you still think i'm cool? Galloping off for now.
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