Star Wars Message Board

kristenskywalker posts on 4/6/2006 9:02:44 AM I really like to critque movies so if it ever annoys you just tell me to stop. Padme really could have helped the situation with anakin if she wanted to. The way she dressed probably didn't help the situation any. Don't you love the part in AOTC where yoda fights dooku. You always heatd about how powerful yoda is, but I kinda blew it of a little because all he did was sit around and sound wise. Then you get to see him in action and it was like WOW! See you in two weeks don't forget about me. Can you pray for me as well.
kristenskywalker posts on 4/4/2006 6:34:20 PM Hey alicia I was looking up my name on dogpile and it came up with all the places i've written on. So i typed in your name and i found your fanfiction thing. Could i email you or would you rather i didn't? I understand if you don't want me too. We'll still be friends and all that. Yeah anyway did you notice that in AOC that as soon as dooku leaves the hanger where he had been fighting with yoda that all of a sudden Obi-wan and Anakin got up and where like immediately better. Fake fake.
aliciaskywalker posts on 4/3/2006 2:48:34 AM Well, there's a thought. I might have one, but I never tried that! Good idea. And Zenga, no, I've never heard of that.

kristenskywalker posts on 4/2/2006 1:32:52 PM I live in Michigan. THe one with the great lakes, which honestly isn't that exciting. I'd love to live in Hawaii or Georgia. But I guess I'm stuck here until I'm 18. I feel so behind times everyone has been talking about Zenga and other blog sites and I don't know anything about them. Have you heard of them? Have you ever read any of the special editions of Jedi Apprentice? Those are about Qui-wan & Obi-wan facing an enemy and then years later Obi-wan & Anakin face the same enemy. Kind of interesting. Don't you like have a library web site that you can go on to order books?
aliciaskywalker posts on 3/31/2006 12:16:20 PM Okey-dokey. I shall go to the library tomorrow and ask for it. But the thing is, I asked for a Star Wars book before and they said it wasn't there or in any libraries in my city! One of the disadvantages of being a Brit, I suppose. And why, what state do you live in?
kristenskywalker posts on 3/28/2006 8:36:58 AM The Young Jedi Knights is based on Han & Leia's kids along with a few other kids. That one is really cool. I've read other books by him, but none stick out so they must not have been that good. I actually like Jude Watson's books better, but they don't have a board for him. Jedi Quest is depressing because it is about Obi-wan and Anakin in between Eps. I & II. And I can see all the mistakes that the two of them make that end up leading Anakin to the Dark side. My sister got really mad at one of the books and said that it was extremely sad. Tell me once you have read one of his books then we can start the invasion. Finally got some sun out here. I don't know who was dumb enough to want to live in this state in the first place.
aliciaskywalker posts on 3/27/2006 10:24:59 AM Good idea! (rubs hands together laughing manically) But I think we'd better wait until I've actually read some of his books. So, got any recommendations? And why's the Jedi Quest series depressing? I'm still quite new to the world of Star Wars fiction, you see. But you can go in first as the recon force, if you like. Skywalkers forever! (I'm feeling a bit weird at the moment, sorry)
kristenskywalker posts on 3/25/2006 2:21:27 PM I not a big fan of Twi'leks. I do like Aayla Secura, but for the most part twi'leks are like the local harlots. They dress skimpy and they're usually hanging of some guy. They look really cool, but the way they act kind of disgusts me. Have you ever heard of Ferus Olin? I think most people don't like him, but I think he is cool. He kind of reminds me of myself, a little. You can read about him in the Jedi Quest series(very depressing) and the Last of the Jedi series. I'm trying to buy the whole Young Jedi Knights series and I have all of them except for Crisis at Crystal Reef. On ebay that book is going for around $40 to $50, not including shipping. There's my random comment for the day. Hey Alicia I think we should go take over the Kevin J. Anderson board. He is like the best Star Wars writer ever. And all the people on that board are guys and they don't talk about his SW books. So I think we should invade the board. (wielding a lightsaber trying to look ferocious).
aliciaskywalker posts on 3/12/2006 4:57:36 AM I like Twi'leks, the ones with the brain tails, but I suppose Kit Fisto has got a load more than most of them. Maybe he's a type of Twi'lek? or related to one? Anyway, that thing about the government thing (being very vague) was interesting. And I kind of like Twi'leks because one of my favourite characters in Rogue Squadron, Nawara Ven, was one. So.
kristenskywalker posts on 3/11/2006 10:20:20 PM I'm feeling really talkative lately. So if I'm talking too much you can tell me to shut up. First I'm going to backtrack a little. I don't think Kit Fitso was a Twi'lek. Twi'leks look like humans except for their lekku. Kit has a more alien appearance and has piles of head tentacles. Oola, Bib Fortuna, Nolaa Tarkonaa, and Aayla Secura are some examples of Twi'leks. So did you mean that you like Twi'leks or whatever Kit Fitso is? Sis you know that one of Kit's padawans was a girl named Bant and her first master was Tahl, the lady that Qui-gon liked? Ok, now I'll come back to the present. I did start to read one of Susan Coopers books, but I didn't finish it. Have you ever read Watership Down? That is an awesome book. I had someone recommend it to me and I thought it sounded boring, but he kept pestering me. So I read it and now it's my second book. My favorite is tied between "Til Death Do Us Part (guaranteed to make you cry your heart out) and The Two Princesses of Bamarre. It's kind of strange that Star Wars isn't up there. SW is my favorite movie though. Followed by The Beverly Hillbillies, which you guys have probably never heard of. It was a tv show that was on when my parents where little. If you like comedy you will love it(get the old kind). Hey did you know that they took a hairstyle from the Hopi Indians to make Leia's hairstyle? They changed it a little, but it's still pretty much the same. I believe that Lucas modeled Star Wars after The Cold War/World War II. First of the US had a defense program/new weapons system that was called "Star Wars". Secondly one of the two major nazi movements was a group of people who called themselves "Stormtroopers". Lastly because of a slaughter of americans on an airplane, who had nothing to do with the Cold War, Russia denounced as an "Evil Empire". No offense if you're Russian or German. I watched ANH yesterday and I'm telling you Lucas definetly has a hard time keeping his story straight. Like when Luke and Obi-wan find those dead Jawas that the stormtroopers killed Obi-wan says, "These hits on the sandcrawler are too good for sandpeople. Only stormtroopers are that accurate." Yet during all of the fighting on the Death Star the stormtroopers don't come even close to hitting them. Like the scene where they're trapped on that bridge and they're out in the open with nowhere to go or hide. The stormtroopers have a perfect target, but they never hit them. See not only do I talk a lot I'm very random. Kristenskywalker your source for useless information.
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