Before Sunrise Movie Review Summary

Actors: Ethan Hawke, Julie Delphy

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Before Sunrise

    Jesse is spending his last day in Europe before returning to America. Weeks earlier he had traveled to Spain to see his girlfriend who is attending school there. After only a week Jesse and his girlfriend split and Jesse decides to spend the rest of his time traveling all over Europe by train. As the movie opens Jesse is traveling to Vienna in order to catch his flight home.
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    Celine is returning to Paris on the same train. She has been visiting her grandmother. As the movie opens Celine is seated across from a German couple who begins to argue. Celine moves to the back of the car and sits opposite Jesse.

    The couple strikes up an engaging conversation and they are still deep in conversation when the train arrives in Vienna. Celine decides to get off the train and spend more time with Jesse. The couple has only a few hours to discover each other and to explore their relationship.   The city and the people of Vienna provide an excellent backdrop.

The review of this Movie prepared by Marie Mize

An ordinary American white guy finally breaks up with a girlfriend in Madrid and decides to ride around Europe on a train until he can fly back home. He meets an ethereal French blonde university student whose thoughtfulness and intelligence provoke him to ask her, on a whim, to get off the train with him at Vienna and just walk around until morning. The rest of the movie is them talking, gradually falling in love in an intelligent, subtle, and realistic way never before depicted in film. They are too postmodern to believe in fairy tales, but too human to miss out on this evening, with its curious encounters with a riverside poet, a gypsy fortune-teller, and more. They visit a cemetery, a record store, a cathedral, a Ferris wheel: each scene is lovely and understated, as are the silences in their interaction. Prepare yourself for a love story unlike every goopy romance out there.
The review of this Movie prepared by Mina

Jesse is American, Céline is French. They meet on a train to Vienna and they quickly see the chemistry between them. So they decide to spend their only night together walking around Vienna, talking about love, sex, life, relationships, gender wears and secret fears. At the end of the night, they are in love. Can the love of our lives last only one night?
The review of this Movie prepared by Scott

Script Analysis of Before Sunrise

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Plot & Themes

Time/era of movie:    -   1980's-1999 Romance/Love/Hugging    -   Yes

Main Character

Identity:    -   Male Age:    -   20's-30's Ethnicity/Nationality    -   White American


Europe    -   Yes European country:    -   Austria Misc setting    -   moving train

Writing Style

Accounts of torture and death?    -   no torture/death Any profanity?    -   Occasional swearing

Movies with storylines, themes & endings like Before Sunrise

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