Mr. and Mrs. Smith Movie Review Summary

Actors: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Vince Vaughn

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Mr. and Mrs. Smith

When John (Brad Pitt) and Jane (Angelina Jolie) Smith met in Columbia, they fell in love with one another's mysterious air. Now, five (or six) years later, the mystery as gone, as they have firmly settled into the dullness of married life. Or so they think.
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Each one is a highly-trained contract killer working for a rival agency, but each believes the other to be a thoroughly ordinary yuppie. John keeps his money and arsenal in a secret room under the toolshed, Jane keeps her guns and knives in hidden compartments all over the kitchen, and neither is aware that the other spends their nights assassinating gangsters and international terrorists.

When both agencies give the Smiths the same assignment, to eliminate Benjamin "The Tank" Danz (Adam Brody), a witness under heavy protection, they at first assume one another to be with the government, botching the job and nearly killing each other.

When John and Jane realize almost simultaneously that their spouse was the rival assassin, they resolve to eliminate each other, a decision (perhaps?) spurred on by the fact that each will be killed by their employer if they do not complete the job in 48 hours.
The review of this Movie prepared by James Craver

John and Jane Smith are a couple who have been married for 5 or 6 years and things appear to be normal. But it becomes apparent that things are changing--they are seeing a marriage counselor and arguing a lot. What neither of them know is that they are professional assassins. Then, they are both assigned by their different employers to kill the same person. When they each try to take out the target, they get in each other's way and subsequently fail the job. Now they are sent to go after the person who made them miss the target. And when they learn of each other, they try to take each other out. After many exciting gun battles, they reconcile their differences. Unfortunately, they've now become a liability to their agencies, and now a hit has been put on the both of them.

The review of this Movie prepared by Tom McInnes

Script Analysis of Mr. and Mrs. Smith

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Plot & Themes

Comedy, primarily    -   Yes Time/era of movie:    -   2000's+ (present) Comedy or Parody about    -   married couple fighting    -   spies How much humor v. drama    -   Nearly all humor    -   Lot of humor, but significant serious drama

Main Character

Identity:    -   Male Profession/status:    -   killer    -   bounty hunter Age:    -   20's-30's    -   40's-50's Ethnicity/Nationality    -   White American


City?    -   Yes City:    -   New York

Writing Style

Accounts of torture and death?    -   generic/vague references to death/punishment    -   moderately detailed references to deaths Sex/nudity in movie?    -   Yes What kind of sex:    -   vague references only    -   kissing Any profanity?    -   Occasional swearing

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