The Power by Naomi Alderman Summary Study Guide

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of The Power

Plot Summary Part 3

Tunde is chased by women again. He ran into a forest and climbed a tree.

That night he saw some women and men doing some weird sex thing.

Around the fire there were figures dancing, men and women stripped naked and painted with the symbol of the eye in the centre of an outstretched palm, the lines of power emanating sinuously around their bodies. At times, one of the women would push a man to the ground with a blue-bright jolt, placing her hand on the painted symbol on his chest, both of them whooping and crying out as she showed her power on him. She would mount him then, her hand still in the centre of him, still holding him down, the frenzy of it showing on his face, urging her to hurt him again, harder, more. It had been months since Tunde had held a woman, or been held by one. He began to yearn to climb down from his perch, to walk into the centre of the rock-circle, to allow himself to be used as those men were used. He grew hard, watching. He rubbed himself absently through the fabric of his jeans.

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Women dominating men sexually arouses Tunde, heh heh.

Then they killed one of the subservient men, and Tunde wished he had been the one to be killed!

She said, ‘You are weak and we are strong. You are the gift and we are the owners. ‘You are the victim and we are the victors. You are the slave and we are the masters.

She held the young man’s wrists. She pressed her forehead to his. ‘Yes,’ he whispered. ‘Yes.’ And when she killed him, it was ecstasy.

In that moment, he longed to be the one with his wrists clasped. He longed to kneel at her feet, his face buried in the wet soil.

WTF? Tunde wanted to be killed by the lesbians? Stop thinking with your dick, man!

Later, Tunde gets captured by a wild lesbian tribe and put into a cage.

He has been captured by Roxy, and the lesbian cult!

Roxy persuades the lesbian cult to let Tunde go.

They go to a refugee camp for men, but the camp is raided by the lesbian militia. The lesbian militia rape one of the men in the camp.

The woman on top cups his balls and dick in her palm. She says something. Laughs. The others laugh, too. She tickles him there with the tip of a finger, making a little crooning sound, as if she wants him to enjoy it. She holds his balls, tugs on them once, twice, just as if she were giving him a treat, and then jolts him fiercely, right through the scrotum. It’d feel like a glass spike, driven straight through. Like lacerations from the inside. He screams, arches his back. And then she unbuttons the crotch of her combat trousers and sits on his cock. Her mates are laughing now and she’s laughing too as she pumps herself up and down on him. She’s got her hand firmly planted in the centre of his stomach, giving him a dose every time she thrusts up with bunched thighs. One of her mates has a cellphone. They photograph her there, straddling him. Her mates are egging her on. She starts to touch herself, moves faster, her hips rocking forward. When the woman comes, her mates roar their approval.

Roxy has no powers because her electricity thing was cut out of her body and given to Darrell. So Roxy and Tunde run away from the lesbian cultists. Then Tunde bones Roxy.

Allie, realizing that Tatiana has gone too far in her men-bashing, uses her mind control to get Tatiana to cut her own throat. Allie becomes the new lesbian ruler of Moldova.

Darrell has a zap battle with Jos. She zaps him, he zaps her. Jos seems to die. A bunch of women catch Darrell and zap him to pieces.

Allie is now president of lesbian land. Roxy comes to visit her. Roxy wants to stop the war with the men. Allie wants to use nukes, kill a lot of people, and have women rebuild society.

Roxie tells Allie to go visit her stepmother. Remember, at the beginning of the book Allie had killed her stepdad for trying to bone her.

Her stepmother is glad to talk to Allie. She tells Allie that her husband boned her to teach her discipline. She tells Allie that she thinks God wanted her husband to bone her.

Allie realizes that his stepmom told her stepdad to bone her to make her behave better, and that her stepmom is just as guilty as her stepdad.

This upsets Allie very much.

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