Jeannette Walls Message Board

Janie posts on 3/31/2010 9:18:04 PM I'd love to know what happened to the houses the Walls owned in Phoenix and Welch, WV. And does her mom still own that incredibly valuable land in Texas? This book is first rate. I've seen it criticized because Walls tells her story so matter of factly. Maybe it's because she's simply telling what happened and doesn't feel sorry for herself. Also, when you live a particular kind of life, then that life is normal for you. I've also read posts asking how she could let her parents live on the streets. Was she supposed to imprison them in her apartment to get them off the streets? They lived the way they wanted.
barry phoenix posts on 3/7/2010 1:14:00 PM After reading your life's experience,your mother's and grandmother's I'm left satisfied knowing that after two and a half generations of considerable hardship finally you've reaped some financial way out for yourself. Money of course isn't everything but my God your book's are a lesson for everyone that life is about unrelenting determination. Loved both your books. All the best!
kenneth Bass posts on 2/12/2010 5:56:27 PM Every educator in the country should read The Glass Castle. I saw J.W. giving a talk (on the net) and was inspired by her comments about treating downtrodden children with dignity. Having taught kindergarten for nearly 40 years I have seen many children raised in similar circumstances and too often have witnessed these children being victimized by condescending adults.

Jim Welker posts on 1/17/2010 11:23:30 AM Just finished the book and wanting more, found this blog site. Anyone who reads this can thsnk their stars they had what they had,no matter how bad....My wife's father's achoholism and her mother's ditsy and enabling ways scarred her and her brother....but they were saints compared to the Walls ways. The amazing thing is that amidst all that, the parents were avid readers and semi-intellectuals. Books may have saved the kids. Books were a factor (along with amazing will) in propelling them. The stupidification of our culture is an abuse that limits and threatenes children too -- that one the Walls did not suffer (though no thanks to some awfully bad schools -- they were largely self-taught)
Kevin Harmon posts on 1/13/2010 5:52:12 PM Jeanette, I just got done reading your book The Glass Castle. My wife had left it on the counter and I casually leafed through it. I was immediately captivated by your story. I sat down and read the whole book. I am curious though in the end, what happened to the land and the jewelery your mother so loved? Is the land and jewelery still in the family?
Mary Burris posts on 12/3/2009 9:09:17 AM I read "The Glass Castle" and could not put the book down. I missed you when you came to Hickory, NC at the Patrick Beaver Libray. Jeannette Walls., my heart really goes out to you and family in those adolescent years. My first response was I felt that you wrote this memoir for closure or forgiveness to your parents. I have to say that out of that situation came something good. God always wants us to look for the good in something bad. I commend you and hope that you continue writting. I really enjoyed your story and cant wait to read "Half broke Horses". May God keep on blessing you and using your story for others.
wendell cooper posts on 11/29/2009 10:53:26 PM The book is brilliant. Ms. Walls should not be criticized nor her work. It is simply a well told true story. It is obvious that her intentions were not to glamorize or criticize her parents. The fact that she could not only forgive but love them says much about her character. If you have ever loved or lived with an alcoholic or someone mentally ill then this book will haunt you.
Jan posts on 9/2/2009 3:55:31 PM I just put The Glass Castle Down..a favorite read, and a must read for everyone. It makes me rethink so many things, especially as to how I have and how I will look at people from all walks of life, poor and rich. Jeannette and her siblings are individuals blessed with talent and beautiful inner strength and I admire them greatly..Instead of the "movie stars", it is people like this who over come incredible obstacles who should be our everyday idols.
Bobbie Camm posts on 6/27/2009 1:37:42 AM This book put faces on the people I often want to, or have ignored, the poor, the mentally ill, the (truely) under privilidged. Life is so delicate and a little kindness goes a long, long way. I agree 100% with Missy's comments posted on 3/23 and I had to chuckle when I read Karen Manning's message posted on 2/28/08. Who exactly did Karen think was giving the details of the mother's selfishness and bazarr behavior? Jeannette obviously didn't look at her parents through rose colored glasses. She SURVIED and, more importantly, she forgave. Anger and regret will taint ALL relationships, even the ones you love most. We must forgive so we can truely love. I know this from personal experience. I learned I had to ALLOW people to love me. If I continually guard myself from pain, focusing on myself, I also shield myself from love. I have to risk being volunerable before I can trust others. My loving husband and developing my faith in God have been my saving grace.
Shelli posts on 5/1/2009 1:00:23 PM Your book, is truly an American Tail, I can relate to it on so many levels, whether through personal experience or what other's have experienced. Thank you for writing it. I was attracted to it, because your Parents sounded like my husband and I, not that I am proud of that;but more honestly, I wanted to see how you turned out.
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