Robin Cook Message Board

Sharon posts on 7/16/2008 3:07:36 PM I, too, am at a minor lost after reaching the end of Crisis. I am forced to believe that Craig was attempting to throw his case by having his bad temper since he'd rather simply pay the cost in damages for malpractice rather than serving time for murder. It is now obvious why he was reluctant to go through with the autopsy and also clear that he was was the one who set up the harrassment of his daughters to voice that an autopsy was not wanted. However, I wonder why it was that Jordan's lawyer, Tony, approached him instead of vice-versa? I also would love to learn more of Craig's presence in Cuba.
Heather posts on 6/17/2008 12:57:11 PM Laurie and Jack were first introduced in Blindsight. I would like all of you to please keep in mind that a lot of Cook's novels are cliffhangers and he will write a sequel in due time ... example: he followed up with Marissa Bluemnthal from Outbreak in a novel called Vital Signs. The only one that I have read and really didn't like is Coma, but that was probably because I was quite young when I read it and probably didn't understand the subject matter.
nafets posts on 4/17/2008 6:53:00 AM I think that there should be a summary or a short plot that goes with every book review in this site.

Chance Brofft posts on 3/21/2008 7:37:33 AM This is the worst book i've ever read and i feel even dumber now then when i started the book. Robin Cook should jump off a cliff for writing this
Ashley posts on 3/20/2008 2:02:50 PM As a high school senior this book is required reading and it is byfar one of the best books that i have ever read. It keeps you intersted and always wonting more. A great book to get the mind working!
Jim Moorhouse posts on 2/19/2008 4:23:16 AM Scarey as hell, the news item about sick and diseased cows being put into our food chain. As soon as I heard the news, I immediately thought of Robin Cooks' Toxin.
yoley posts on 12/8/2007 8:46:41 PM In the novel, Crisis, why was Robert Landrum introduced? Who was responsible for Jack's mishaps. Who was opposed to the autopsy? Worse ending to a novel I have ever read! No closure.
Darlene Fitzwater posts on 11/2/2007 3:38:02 PM On the last page of Critical (page 340), in the paragraph that begins "I want to go back...", the 3rd sentence makes no sense. What is it supposed to say?
Jerzy Horski posts on 10/30/2007 7:52:45 AM To Dr. Robin Cook - In Seizure you show your interest to the Shroud of Turin. Contradiction pendulats between two poles: falsification through painting or original shroud from the body of Jesus. I can see a third solution - most probable, maybe. The shroud has been taken from a real man, executed in the XIII century in the region of Jerusalem. Perhaps violence (crusaders), perhaps a volunteer fanatic. What do you think about?
Sarah posts on 10/22/2007 12:18:22 PM What does the end of Crisis say? How come Craig ended up in Cuba? Lot of loose ends!
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