Why did stormtroopers wear armor that didn't work against blasters? Message Board

Armor, though it's clunky and slows you down, makes sense when it protects you from attack. But as we've seen, armor doesn't stop blasters, so what's the point in wearing them? In fact, armor doesn't even stop Ewok arrows!

Since stormtrooper armor isn't functional, do you think it's a fashion statement? That the Emperor liked his soldiers to be making clunking sounds when they walked around in matching white? What do you think about that?

Also, check out my video showing how ineffective stormtrooper armor really is.

Bang Bang posts on 11/27/2006 2:30:17 AM Hi Rand! If I'm not mistaken, near the end of Episode 3, "Revenge of the Sith," Senator Organa (Jimmy Smits' character) mentions to another officer to have the droids' memory banks erased, referring to C3PO and R2D2; thus, they would not remember Uncle Owen, the Tatooine farm, or Anakin building C3PO. For me, however, this brings up a whole new set of issues that have bothered ever since "The Empire Strikes Back." In the very first "Star Wars" in 1977--even before it became known as Episode 4, "A New Hope"--it was if Luke, Han, Leia, and everyone else were simply caught up in an intergalactic struggle, and being in the wrong plae at the wrong time, they became heroes. But by the time of "The Empire Strikes Back," it's like the entire universe revolves around our heroes, a trend that has continued to the present day. The movies have definitely lost a lot of their innocence since the 1977 movie, which I feel is still the best movie ever made. Have a good one, everyone.
Rand : Licensed Eccentric posts on 11/26/2006 11:34:54 PM I've only recently watched Episodes 1-2 and have a few questions. If Annakin built C3PO and he knew Obi Wan and worked for Uncle Owen before the events in the first Star Wars movie, why didn't he know Owen when he and luke bought the droids in Star Wars? And if he did recognize Owen, why didn't C3P0 mention that he had once worked there, or say he had never heard of an Obi Wan when Luke watched Leia's recording? Take Care.
abhorred-NewGuy posts on 11/21/2006 7:02:18 AM Their armor was blast-resistant, its not so much that it stopped the laser weapons as it had a chance of "bouncing" them off. Ever notice that they couldn't be stopped? There were lots of them and they could take a few pot-shots without being killed. I bet a storm-trooper or two could show you some armor that had taken quite a few shots in its time! P.S. This is my first post, I kinda like this site.

darth cj posts on 11/8/2006 3:16:34 PM the armour was ok but it only protected against legal weapons an the rebels used illegal and the shock that the rocks and arrows caused disrupted the armours controls i dont c y they didnt use quantum armour apart from the price
Rand : Licensed Eccentric posts on 11/7/2006 2:56:20 AM I've been watching the original movies on cable and I have an even better question. Why did the stormtroopers even bother with armor if it couldn't even stop the arrows the Ewoks used? Take Care.
posts on 10/12/2006 8:00:59 PM it's a movie and they wanted the bad guys (the empire) to look cool and tough. thats why they made the armor. i dont think they had stopping blaster fire in mind when they made them.
posts on 10/12/2006 10:50:59 AM I love the previous post...someone actually coming to the site to call people losers. Now THAT'S a real loser. About the armor. You haven't forgotten the Hummer proboem in belly armor on armored tops. and lack of side reinforcement. So theorectically the Empire could have rushed into war suddenly, mass produced a flawed design that didn't match the upgrade in blasters.
posts on 10/10/2006 5:55:30 PM you guys are GEEKS!!screw off losers!!
posts on 9/23/2006 5:14:21 PM o come on imagine spendin alot of money and time designing the armour an findin out it doesnt work you try tellin darth vader it dosn work
posts on 7/27/2006 4:08:37 PM The empire did not find it important to have a large amount of shields. If you recall in episode 6 after 5 shots from A wings the "super star destroyer" lost its main bridge deflector shields and after 1 kamikaze the rest of the ship was destroyed. the empire was fighting a physiological battle. If you send 50 Ties head on to one ship firing it doesn't matter if a single shot hits you will freak the pilot to death. Also look at the first Death Star, it had ultimate fire power and yet 1 proper hit would destroy it. Not to mention you only see the rebels send 12 ships to attack it. The empire thought they would be crazy to attack it. They thought that if they could get enough fire power then no one would bother them anyway, They were slightly simular to the Russians in WW2 throwing men out some even without guns. Part of the phycologiicall battle is that everything looks profeshinal therfore the armor was just to make them all look the same,so shields were not to important.
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